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Hillary Clinton will never be elected.
Posts: 1427
Karma: 14
Her problem is this: She pissed off just about all liberal support when she voted to use force in Iraq. She now completely opposes the war, and is now calling for US withdrawal in the near future. This, an attempt to appease the liberals, may have been the end of her. She has now alienated the conservatives. Not only that, but the call for withdrawal is "non-binding," rendering it meaningless. Bush vetoes it and we are all back to where we started. Hillary is in a tough position where if she does anything too drastic, she will further alienate those whose votes she desperately needs. But with the non-binding resolution (not too drastic), she still alienates the liberals because she is not doing anything significant to stop the war. There are so many in the country that will not vote for her under any circumstances that she cannot possibly afford to lose any more votes (which is impossible). It doesn't even matter if she can raise $26 million in 10 weeks. She loses anyway.
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
while i dont agree witha ll of your arguments, i will agree that hilary will not win the next election.
Posts: 4554
Karma: 96
I hate all politics, we would be beter off if a robot was president or some shit cus all of these politicians are such dirtbags and liars its rediculous
they are fucking humans, no different than any of us why the fuck should they be elected if they're gonna fuck something up eventualy since its human nature
Posts: 2379
Karma: 129
Fuck the War, and fuck hillary Clinton she is the devil incarnate.... but anyone would be better than the monkey in power at the moment...
Posts: 352
Karma: 10
hillary clinton is only such a bitch because bill cheated on her. actually, nevermind, she was always a bitch. and that's why she won't win, because she's against all forms of entertainment other than possibly musical theater.
Posts: 13168
Karma: 19,616
Wow, you people hate women more than black people. Have any of you heard the term sexism? Its ilegal to critizise someone because of their sex. You people shouldnt be allowed to vote.
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
if hill-dog is elected president the nation would be cut in half. 1/2 of the ppl sideing for her, the other 1/2 hating her.
Posts: 2585
Karma: 16
You people should have to vote.
Posts: 2145
Karma: 19
this might sound like an ignorant opinion, but its not,
i hate her.
Posts: 3322
Karma: 30
she will never win. thank jah!!!!
Posts: 3795
Karma: 273
If she wins i really dont know what im gunna do, im so glad i can vote that bitch back to fuckin arkansas
Posts: 2960
Karma: 15
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Karma: 33
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Karma: 661
hil dog has a snuke in her snizzzz
Posts: 3157
Karma: 22
She won't be elected just for the fact she's a woman. Just imagine having a moody PMSing President bombing everything...I have no problem with women, I love em, they're equal, they have every right to do whatever they want I feel, but it's just not right to have a woman in power, in my opinion...and half of the other girls in my Argument class...
Posts: 6671
Karma: 137
she riding on bills coat tails
Posts: 10437
Karma: 85
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
I dont agree with your reasons, but yes, I dont think she'll be elected. She's way to liberal on a lot of issues, and most conservatives hate her. Her being president would just polarize our political parties more, and we would see more useless fighting and strife in congress and the senate. I do like her policies on a lot of fronts, and think she would be a great leader. Its just the wrong climate right now.
Posts: 8871
Karma: 1,509
In a country where politics are already polarized wayyyyy too much, I agree. It would definitely push it even further with Hillary as president. It's truly sad that people will vote on someone they have never heard of just because they are a member of a party.
Posts: 99
Karma: 15
we cant have a woman president who hasn't gone thru menopause or else she'll pms and start shit
Posts: 2408
Karma: 9
Having her in power in your country would provide you with more depth in the liberal category. While I am conservative, Bush simply has too much faith in religion for my liking. As long as whomever you have in power is afraid of nuclear war because they don't believe in eternal salvation, the better off the world will be.
Posts: 3204
Karma: 25
*shrugs* Politicians have always been dirtbag liars its their profession. The Only problem is that the oldschool was raised having absolute trust in their pliticians and presidents. Now that were taught to be aware and question things for ourselves, it makes the politician's jobs that much harder because sugarcoating everything just doesnt work like it used to. Nothing changed in politics, only in the people.
Posts: 4425
Karma: 41
my question is this: what has hillary done in her time in the senate or any other time that qualify her to be president?
Posts: 1298
Karma: 60
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Posts: 1427
Karma: 14
you could ask the exact same thing of obama.
Posts: 1938
Karma: 42
Posts: 7944
Karma: 25,740
well, some could say that they are supporting non binding resolutions because any resolution that gets through the house and senate would immediately be vetoed by the president anyway, so in a practical sense every thing they do is non binding. I don't think she's that great of a candidate, but I don't see any other non-douches out there except Obama, and he's black he won't win. We still have a south in this country, he's fucked.
Posts: 4869
Karma: 20
I dont hat women, i would just never vote for a woman to be president unless she had the balls of Thacher which Hil-Dog for sure doesnt
Posts: 3795
Karma: 273
im sure that no one hates women here, and its not at all ilegal for people to critize people for who there sex, its only ilegal to discriminate people for there sex or race. And none of that is happening here its clear that everyone in this thread doesn't agree with her views for one reason or another. And who are you to judge who votes and who doesn't you use your vote and we'll use ours.
Posts: 3179
Karma: 11
Um, the U.S. wouldn't function without politics, nice try.
Posts: 352
Karma: 10
but all US politicians are sketchy douchbags.
Posts: 1966
Karma: 12
Posts: 7162
Karma: 59
not to count her off or anything, she's gotten 26 million dollars from 50,000 people.... that kinda says some people still like her
Posts: 3179
Karma: 11
Lol not all, they're just trying to do whats in their best intrests. Raising taxes to help rich people, rich people they need money from to campaign, and George Bush gave a genuine effort to improve things like 'no child left behind' and such which really isn't sketchy. But yeah other then that they are humans they have made mistakes or have impulses millions of americans have such as to fuck an intern or you're in so much pain and you have the resources so you're taking speed to reduce the pain.
Posts: 1918
Karma: 16
i wouldnt vote for her because of her stance on violent video games.
Posts: 1259
Karma: 13
That was amazing.
However I dont think Hil-dog would be a good president because sadly, she's a woman. I'm not saying this because I'm sexist, trust me I love women, I think they are amazing and I have utmost respect for them.
I dont think it would be a good representation for our country. In a sense it would make us look weak. Look at how our enemies in the middle east view/treat women. It's dispicable and I think they would use that as a motive to walk all over us.
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
Basically, everyone loves Obama. Even conservatives like him. They might disagree with him, but they don't want to murder him. I'm pretty sure half of the red states would like to lynch Clinton. They should run Barack if for no other reason than it'll be so difficult for conservatives to get motivated against him when they don't really dislike him.
Posts: 3179
Karma: 11
Yeah definantly I myself am a Republican and conservative and I am going to vote for Obama in 08, I think the Dem's primary is going to be Edwards or Obama and I really don't think Republicans have a shot in hell of winning the presidency.
Posts: 7162
Karma: 59
i think people need to look at Bill Richardson, i'd like to see him w/ obama, richardson has the exsperiance obama has the publics eye
Posts: 1275
Karma: 20
Obama it is.
But you never know.
Posts: 12296
Karma: 7,743
why doesnt anyone in the world know how to spell "hos"
this poster with its current spelling just reminds me of obama standing up against being a gardening slave.
Posts: 7162
Karma: 59
because hos would be pronounced like hostage... not sexy
Posts: 3179
Karma: 11
I don't think Richardson will win because alot of people don't like illegal immigration and he might be seen as sympathetic to illegal immagration. Obama / Colbert '08
Posts: 12296
Karma: 7,743
i think being a hostage is all kinds of sexy
Posts: 4677
Karma: 12
Posts: 7162
Karma: 59
i hope he gets a chance to show that mexicans can do better than Alberto Gonzales
I think to those that would make the assumption that he'd be weak on immigration won't be smart enough to realize that he has a mexican background, i mean his last name is Richardson
Posts: 3676
Karma: 18
fuck that chick, shes too serious and she needs to get laid. obama is the man!
Posts: 2671
Karma: 62
^.. wow that's harsh. but yea.. i dont much like hilary clinton.. she's too serious about everything
Posts: 1427
Karma: 14
On the contrary. I think the republicans will have an easy time winning the presidency. Mit Romney raised $23m but he probably will not be nominated due to his lack of media attention. My prediction is that John McCain is the next president.
Obama may be nominated, but it will become apparent in the debates (if not sooner)that he is, in fact, far too liberal for his own good. This is not very widely known, since he has only been around for one term. Look up his voting record to see for yourself.
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
The Republicans really just lack a candidate however. It really boils down right now between McCain and Giuliani, but McCain switches sides worse than Kerry and Giuliani, while loved by many, cant take a stand on an issue. Both of them are less popular than Barack or Clinton, maybe even Edwards. It's sad that they'll garner voted just for being Republican though. I'm predicting a Dem's win, but its really too early to say.
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