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Greatest Thing To Ever Happen At A Movie Theatre
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
K, here we go, kinda long story. Me and my buddies go see the film 300 for the second time (turned out better the second time). We are watching the movie and this really annoying girl in the second back row is talking the whole time! Everyone is whispering shh and stuff and she just wont stop talking to her friends. Everyone in the theatre is giving her looks that she pretends not to notice and she keeps talking. Then finally about half way through the movie, she stands up and turns to her friend and out of the blue says, "Hey, this isnt the Number 23". Everyone is looking at her like she's retarded. Some chuckle. A huge guy, probably 250 pounds stands up behind her and screams out (immitating the movie), "No! This - Is - Sparta!". He then proceeds to kicking her off her seat level and down the seats. She is bouncing off people and chairs, everyone laughing their asses off. THIS IS SPARTA!!!
Just a funny story i felt like sharing because everytime i think about it i start balling. The girl and her friend both left the theatre and the guy sat down and watched the rest of the movie. When the movie was finished, the guy and his friend left the theatre out the back doors and as we were leaving we noticed the girl walking toward the 300 theatre with a manager and two employees. Funniest shit id ever seen!
Posts: 2486
Karma: 52
hahahaha that just made my day, i hate people like that
Posts: 13673
Karma: 3,087
The Greatest Thing To Ever Happen At A Movie Theater was Borat.
Posts: 6937
Karma: 2,980
bahahahha thats hilarious.
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
no, thats one of the worst, if you watch it more than once its boring and predictable
Posts: 6685
Karma: 511
Posts: 846
Karma: 15
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
HAHAHAHA, THE GUY POSTED ABOUT WHAT HE DID! fuckin wicked! i might have seen the wrong people leaving the theatre but this is hilarious!
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Bahahaha that's fucking awesome and if you're stealing this from the site, Sketchline, then I will hunt you down and drive a spear through your chest.
Posts: 7167
Karma: 94
anyone who talks during a movie should be fucking shot in the gut.
no mercy.
Posts: 1298
Karma: 60
Posts: 145
Karma: 10
maybe its predictable because you have seen it already?
either way..this is some funny shit
Posts: 2671
Karma: 62
wow. that's hilarious lol
Posts: 547
Karma: 10
Seriously. When I saw it the first Friday it came out, the theater was filled to capacity and every single person laughed hysterically the entire duration.
Posts: 3339
Karma: 207
if you have seen it once before, then you know what will happen. if you know what will happen, then yes, it's predictable. all movies you've seen before are predictable. dumbass.
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
porno's arent, especially the ones with your mom, those seem to change daily
Posts: 6920
Karma: 348
Ifd they change daily of course they arent predictable. fuck. and I was laughing so hard when i read that.
Posts: 3543
Karma: 13,337
hahaha...during jackass 2 this faggot kept laughing like a pig behind me not even at the funny parts. everyone told him to stfu but he couldn't handle himself
Posts: 2486
Karma: 52
people that laugh like that make me wanna punch them
Posts: 4625
Karma: 56
one time at a movie i dont member which one this kid got his arm stuck in his chair and everyone had to leave. Dumb bitch
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
dude, my friend told me he "heard" some guy kicked a girl down the stairs like 4 weeks ago during 300 because she was talking.
Posts: 6476
Karma: 294
HAHAAHAH thats fuckin hilarious. Spartans are the real gangsters of the world. no one can compare
Posts: 2341
Karma: 16
thats some funny ass shit haha
Posts: 50
Karma: 10
we were watching some extremely retarted horror movie so we got up and ran out screaming "SPIDERS!!" as loud as we could, it was fun.
Posts: 3179
Karma: 11
Its funny I guess, but what grown man kicks a girl down a flight of steps? thats just mean (and a little funny, but mean mostly)
Posts: 87
Karma: 10
that is fucking hilarious! That stupid bitch probably didn't know what hit her. "THIS IS SPARTA!" and then POW. priceless
Posts: 1438
Karma: 47
Posts: 174
Karma: 11
Posts: 3049
Karma: 173
Did Anyone Else Notice That this was probably an april fools joke because it was made on April Fools?
Just thought I'd add that.........
Posts: 4935
Karma: 173
Posts: 778
Karma: 11
Posts: 7368
Karma: 53
The best thing that ever happened to me at a theater was when we were watching... I think it was Batman Begins? And it was just a few friends of mine about halfway up and this guy and his girl in the back row. About a half hour in we hear the girl say "It's SO big!" and it corresponded to absolutely NOTHING in the movie... needless to say we all laughed hysterically and neither of them said anything for the rest of the movie.
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