Replying to People, Sam needs our help.
A fellow is in a great deal of pain. No, im not talking about physical pain (cept for the sores on his dick from beating it too much) im talking about mental anguish. Fellow member Sam Caylor aka SamCaylor aka Beefy tits aka Pie tits aka Cake tits needs out help. The problem is Sam is too fat to attract women. Now people will tell me that he shouldn’t change for the ladies and that its not his weight its his lack of social skills. I say screw them. This is why I have formed the 'lets help Sam loose some weight so he can possibly get a girl' Club. We will regularly taunt Sam until he becomes so violently depressed that he stops eating or kills himself. So i ask of you fellow newschoolers, help a brother out. Lets see if we can get Sam eating something other than food...PUSSY! If you are interested in joing the club simply put this in your signature:
Member of the 'lets help Sam loose some weight so he can possibly get a girl' Club.
Thank you for your time. And Sam, I know you can do it....ya fat shit.
Founder of the 'lets help Sam loose some weight so he can possibly get a girl' Club.
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