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Should Jon listen to Tanner?
Posts: 984
Karma: 250
Tanner aka CCREWSOLDIER said that Jon should spend more time filming in the backcountry and trying to ski lines, implying that he spent too much time building jumps and learning double flips. I think Jon has spent his time well--the JOI makes a huge contribution to skiing. I'd rather see park skiing at its finest than big mountain skiing at its worst.
Posts: 52
Karma: 10
I doubt Tanner said that. If he did though, then he should probably just let Jon do what he wants. Which is probably the case.
I doubt that he said that.
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
i really doubt people who, in the ski industry, are so close would talk that way to each other. and i doubt that person is tanner hall
Posts: 984
Karma: 250
He's saying Jon needs to spend more time in the "real mountains" skiing "real lines." he's implying that Jon's spending too much time crafting jumps and doing double flips. i would guess that the double flips are part of what tanner refers to as the "CIRCUS SHOW."
Posts: 3710
Karma: 23
if this person is tanner, he didnt imply any of that shit you said.... he was saying that he doesnt want the ski industry to sell out and people just to ski for the money. he just happend to sy he wanted them to go and ski some pow, and try getting out of the park. not that he was wasting his time.
Posts: 464
Karma: 54
I like what someone said in the other thread. Who really cares where people ski or how they ski it. They should be able to do whatever the hell they want, whether it is all park or skinning up untracked peaks.
I don't care where Jon skis or where Tanner skis or what type of skiing they film or how they put it together. These pro skiers are just people. Why is everyone so fascinated with them? They are individuals who can push whatever way they want to.
It all comes down to why do people care this much? Its skiing. We do it for fun. Not to argue about who does it right.
Posts: 984
Karma: 250
you're not setting the best example of citation yourself. did i say tanner implied jon was wasting his time? no. i said tanner implied that jon should spend less time building jumps and learning doubles by saying that Jon should "GET OUT AND SKI REAL MOUNTAINS." it seems obvious that the reason jon is spending less time in the backcountry is because he has been meticulously shaping jumps for events, and learning double flips. likewise, dumont is spending less time in the backcountry because he is focusing on pipe. if you say that someone needs to spend more time doing x, you are implying that they should spend less time doing not x, which in jon's case = working on events involving perfect jumps and double flips (e.g. MSP film shoots and the JOI).
Posts: 984
Karma: 250
exactly. its lames to tell people who are pushing the sport in their own way that they need to get on your program and do more of what you do. what if jon told tanner that he needed to get out on some real tables and learn some doubles?
Posts: 20239
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you do realize you're making a huge rukus out of some kid who got on the internet and claimed to be Tanner, right?
Posts: 7485
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This thread was owned by Tanaka.
Posts: 1400
Karma: 123
Posts: 984
Karma: 250
if that was a fake, it was the best tanner hall impersonation ever . . . it deserves this thread as a homage. BIG UPS TO THE IMPERSONATION ARTIST FOR GIVING INSPIRATION BEYOND BELIEF.
Posts: 12055
Karma: 920
I read those capitalized posts over and over and it yeah, it is a really really good impersonation or....
Posts: 1597
Karma: 17
well Jon does have a massive powder ski coming out next year so I dont know what your talking about
Posts: 60
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Because tanner is known for skiing big lines. Landing in powder on a BC hit doesn't count as skiing powder.
Posts: 1560
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it was an awful impression, it was written in all caps, only noobs do this, tanner aint no noob
Posts: 1359
Karma: 23
Why would anyone listen to Tanner? Just curious.
He has lived a sheltered ski porn life that has had little reality or substance in it for many years. he is not some vast fountain of knowledge, the kid cannot even add 2 and 2 togetehr without getting a headache.
Take him for what he is....a sideshow stunt skier stoner
dropout that can ski the shit out of anything, but knows nothing...
He sounds like a east coaster who skied out west for the first time
wow Tanner, did you really get some crazy epiphamy ontop of some crazy mountain top, or are you just HIGH?
He has become the "college know-it-all hippy" of the back country ski world - clueless, but thinks he is king shit cause he has a few hours of heli time -
I would bet my mortage payment that his guides laugh at him behind his back
Posts: 345
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Posts: 1145
Karma: 18
well stated, yeah i dont see tanner ever skiing big lines. now people like sage and seth ski big lines. all these younger age park riders soak in a little bit of knowledge from them and claim they know what they are doing, when they are really just trying to keep up with the real "BC" riders.
Posts: 6671
Karma: 137
i think tanner is the king shit of this sport and he will do and say what he pleases
Posts: 20239
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quit talking shit about Tanner. He is better than all of us. You have never met him so until you have, you know nothing about him. Quit basing your opinion of him based on stupid rumors.
Posts: 6671
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^that and the man is entitled to his opinion
Posts: 1145
Karma: 18
aggreed, haha! i hope that was sarcasm
Posts: 8602
Karma: 539
I think Jon should keep killin in on park jumps, then take his dub flips to the BC. And for now, the JOI is THE best contest on the planet. I'm sure if you ask any rider who has been what they're favorite comp is they'll say the JOI. Look at the jump, and that little key around their necks = good times.
Posts: 910
Karma: 615
anyone who thinks that wasn't tanner is retarted.
i think tanner is just pissed cause he quite skiing slopestyle right before a major revolution. he thaught there was nowhere else it could go and now i have a lot more respect for all around rippers like jossi.
everyone should want to ski like glen plake or scott schmidt. but everyone should want to jump like jon or tj. then we will have something thats actually dope for its versatility.
Posts: 149
Karma: 12
I think its a little ironic that Tanner is criticizing the very element of this sport that's brought him to were he is today; who would care about Tanner skiing back country had it not been for the "circus show" that made him the biggest name in freestyle...my 2cents
Posts: 984
Karma: 250
Or tanaka got owned by peter tosh. the thread goes on . . .
Posts: 12973
Karma: 500
candide invite is possibly better. but yea, JOI is sweet.
Posts: 10014
Karma: 8,389
AS stated by Jon in a previous thread:
"Well, I hade to step in and let you knw what I think!
I ski because I love it, carving, powder, bumps, park... I think it all great! but I am also compeditive and live do develop my sking, and where the level is at right now you need to train to reach new levels, you cant just go out and chill and raise the bar.. But this is still freeride to me as I CHOOSE to do this, I love feeling the rush when I push myself and do stuff that scares me..
I dont have a coach telling me to get up at 7am, I love what I do and that is what drives me to get up in the morning and try to reach my goals...
Now when I did what I wanted, I can go out and ski around and enjoy skiing for what it is, because to me skiing is freedom, I have the freedom to do what I want and if I CHOOSE to go hit I water ramp to achive my goals, is that so bad?
I do have the opportunity to go to OZ and hit the ramps, but it was not given to me, I worked hard for it!"
Jon is having his type of fun, tanner is having his own. Maybe they won't ski together as much as they used to, but they are having fun, so it doesn't matter
Posts: 20239
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do you even know who peter tosh is? because it sounds like you dont
and I doubt Tanner himself would come on here, and be like "OMG JON NEEDS TO STOP DOING DUBLE FLIPZ ZOMG"
Posts: 149
Karma: 46
maybe you answered your own question though about why anyone should listen... he was the prototypical park/comp skier and now he's got a different point of view - doesn't that make it interesting?
i slated the guy myself in years past for being a park rat only, but to say he knows nothing is a bit naive... he knows enough to market himself to be a household name in the industry and make an assload of cash.
and tell ya what... if his guides laugh at him behind his back, it's probably because they know that while he's learning big mountain, they'll never learn park.
Posts: 95
Karma: 28
screw that. go jon. he is killing it and he is straight up pushing it and tanner is good and has done good for the sport but tanners movies arnt good and it is not fun to watch i would rather seen jon pushing it
Posts: 8670
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i love how "tanner" says this and yet Jon has won legit big mountain comps, tanner hasnt.
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
haha yeah, everyone is forgetting, Jon KILLS big mountain skiing. He has won numerous big mountain comps throughout Europe, which is why, in my opinion, he is the best skier in the world.
Posts: 984
Karma: 250
he's eiher a derelict that skis for a company that cannot be discussed on this website, or he's a dead guy that sang "Mystic man." Maybe one is the reincarnation of the other. Is there something you'd like to add?
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
watch show and prove. he does lots and lots of pow skiing.
Anyways if jon wants to be a park rat that's perfectly alright. He's doing pretty damn well at it isn't he? I would like to see him ski a big mountain line but he can do what ever he wants
Posts: 155
Karma: 10
Tanner is certainly a very capable and hardworking "all around skier". But, he comes off as very in your face about it, almost claiming it. As if everybody could have the heli trip opportunities that he does all season. If he truly wants to be like the snowboarders that have inspired him...Nicolas Muller, T-Rice, Gigi Ruf...the real humble masters, than perhaps he should let his actual skiing speak for itself rather than shoving his doctrine down our throats. I would respect him a lot more for it.
Posts: 6204
Karma: 51
yur retarded if you thought he was implying that. jon has won the scandinavian big mountain championship like 3 times or something. tanner (if it even was tanner0 is merely saying that he likes people that go out like jon and ski the mountains with a freeskiing aspect in it.
Posts: 581
Karma: 126
them fightin' words partnaah!
Posts: 1359
Karma: 23
My image of Tanner is fairly low, and I would relish some one on one time with him. I do know him, and I do not like him. The world is not all happy cakes and fairy dust, some people just deserve a beat down. And, Tanner is one of them. This has nothing to do with his skiing (which he is very good at), but he has done some stuff to a few people that can come back to haunt him.
What you see on TV is not really what you get in real life.
nuff said!
Posts: 6715
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maybe hall is jealous that jon kills it
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
and i think for the first time ever i agree with tosh....
you know what, i may sound redundant, especially seen as a bunch of people in this thread have already either said this, or at least alluded to it... but Skiing is all about having fun, and the rush you get when you're doing it....
whether you're a dumb ass gaper from texas jumping off the knuckle of the jumps, a pro skier killing it in comps, or just average joe in the park who can slide some rails and sucks on jumps - the point is you're out there having fun, and doing it for the rush...
don't forget that feeling you get after shredding a gnarly line, doing your first black diamond, or stomping your first 3 or your first 14 - because thats what skiing is about.
Posts: 7436
Karma: 1,540
i dont know man ur a loner...
Posts: 1247
Karma: 1,200
i dont think tanner should be telling him that seeing as how tanner is is epitimey of a park person
Posts: 1247
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he is a really good skier though, really good!
Posts: 2180
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Hate to say it but I doubt Jon needs to or is going to listen to anyone at this point
Posts: 10281
Karma: 36
the fact that T ripped the bumps competetively before = ski skill
Posts: 3842
Karma: 192
the acrobat aspect of skiing is gonna always get the attention, but the backcountry of skiing is always going to remain the most demanding. in the end its all skiing
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