Why the fuck does everyone love the wii? All of my friends who bought one never fucking touch it, they beat zelda and fucking threw their wii's into the closet and went back to halo/gears. I have nothing against it but it is so fucking annoying when everyone is like yeah xbox360 sucks, my wii rules. OK, first of all you can't even play fucking games online on wii, and the fucking controls are so fucking inconsistent, I'll point it at one place and it will do something, I'll do the exact same thing and it'll do something else. And there are absolutely no games besides zelda, every other game is fucking garbage except for bowling, and who the fuck wants to pay like 10 dollars for shitty ass games you beat years ago and can play for free on your computer.
And another thing that pisses me off is the fucking nerds at school who want to fucking suck nintendo's dick so bad because they love it. I have a theory why they love it so much, because they are actually doing physical activity for the first time in their life, and doing anything physically is way funner than video games, so they don't realize what the fuck their fat asses are doing. Sorry, but fuck that shit.