i quit three years ago,after smoking for five years. i wouldnt say it was easy, but i knew it was necesarry. at first, i just cut back. the first thing to go was the right-after-waking-up cig. i would try to see how long in the day i could last without my first smoke. at first it wouldnt be long, but then i started waiting several hours before the first smoke of the day. other than that, i didnt have a specific plan. i started eating lots of peppermints, and chewing lots of toothpicks, to take care of the oral fixation. smoked more dope to get my mind off cigs ( i guess some people always associate toking with having a cig right afterwards, so that wouldnt work for everyone). then there were a couple periods of a week or so, where i wouldnt smoke, or hardly at all. but then i would relapse and take it up again. what finally did it for me was moving to montana. i was going to be working in glacier, hiking and backpacking and whatnot, and i just figured there was no real reason to smoke anymore. at all. so i quit. i was super nervous at first, had dreams about smoking even, but i just ticked off the days, and soon it had been a week, twoo weeks, a month, without a puff. these days, ill have one once in a great while, like if im getting wasted on someones birthday or something. but otherwise. smoke free. its kind of intimidating to try and quit but it can for sure be done. sorry about the novel of a post.