in my opinion, the ride quality of trouble makers is prolly one of the best out there. that ski has SOOO much energy, its amazing, and at the same time, its super damp, so you can still rip on it, and it does not chatter. ive had them up to roughly 70 mph before, and they were very comfortable at that speed. that being said, they are a little heavier due to the horizontal lamination of the core than a Vlam ski of the same dimensions, and since the core is built that way, they loose their pop fairly quick (we are just talking about the "spring blade" cores here), and go dead. if you ride pretty hard, expect the ski to have a good solid lifespan of roughly 2-3 months before it starts to go dead. and by riding hard, i mean lots of tight transitions, butters, moguls, shit like that that severely flexing the ski.
if your the kinda guy who gets hookups and you arnt worried about them lasting multiple seasons, and just looking for a short time preformer, or are a lighter guy not really beating the shit outta your skis, the TM is an amazing ski. if your paying full retail and need to get some longer life out of them, or something, maybe a different ski would be a better choice. the TM is definatly a love hate ski. brand new, best ski made. period. after a few months of hard skiing, they suck. if you want more info on the cores and shit, and how it effects the ski, hit me up.