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Super Sick Vid By a Friend of Mine
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
click "play it" on the left side. I helped with the face blur editing. this is the real san francisco that most people don't see
Posts: 1238
Karma: 13
nice man, filming looked real clean
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
Why do you, or the people featured in this video, tag things?
Posts: 4881
Karma: 147
That's sick! oh I can't wait to start skating again...
Posts: 2210
Karma: 12
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
the way i look at it is a form of mediation on the streets. when one is in the act of bombing, they are focusing so hard on the city around them, every noise, light, person, they are in tune to everything, it is really an amazing feeling, being so aware, and the adrenaline, its truly addicting. It is also a way of being recognized. it is like having a superhero persona. you can walk down the street in clark kent mode and no one will know who you are, but at night you become superman.
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
such sick skating and editing!!!!
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
What i think you're describing is the thrill of a crime coupled with the perceived acquisition of infamy...is this correct?
Posts: 2440
Karma: 62
^That one made me giggle. And a sick video by the way, I love the tags. What is it that you are tagging? I can only make out... Force... not too sure.
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
naw, that was my friend (the one who made the vid's) little brother, he writes force, sf busflow
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
yes, that is precisely what I am saying
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
also the meditative aspect of it
Posts: 5065
Karma: 84
so sick. cant wait to start skating again
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
Posts: 3795
Karma: 273
thats a saweet vid man seemless
Posts: 2429
Karma: 9
Tight video. Good skating.
Posts: 4329
Karma: 300
Posts: 4329
Karma: 300
shittttttt and i just signed up at that site, and you can host any size video there!!!
Posts: 153
Karma: 19
The editing was tightly wrapped, the skating was strong, but I'm left to consider the tagging.
I'm not very knowledgeable on the "bombing" scene, but in my mind there is a difference between tagging and graffiti. Tags are simply a name scrawled onto a wall in a slightly stylistic manner. Graffiti, on the other hand, is more artistic, for while it may include a name, the name is done is a highly graphical and colorful way, with images often drawn around it. After watching the video, I've decided that tagging is one of the most stupid, useless acts around.
Unlike graffiti, tagging is simply hideous. The tags, unlike some (not all) graffiti, are hideous additions to the cityscape. To be blunt, I don't see where the rush is in going around making a city look like shit. Certainly, there can be a rush in graffiti, but at least this form of painting is acceptable to look at to a far greater degree than tagging.
Watching the tags go up I thought of how they were making things look worse, not better. I certainly wouldn't tag up my city.
Posts: 12072
Karma: 60
i think your better shut your fucking yap, you little faggot, before i tag your fuckin' brain.
Posts: 1320
Karma: 13
^exactly, it takes no skill to just scribble on something. They guy tagging in that video was even arcing it down while he was writing making it look even shittier. If your gunna ruin shit at least put some effort into making your tag look nice.
Posts: 906
Karma: 10
Posts: 3179
Karma: 11
Good filming but I hate skating and I think that the tags looked like shit.
Posts: 4719
Karma: 20
Posts: 683
Karma: 14
Posts: 1902
Karma: 12
good vid but i think you should do some bombs rather then just tagging shit
Posts: 1597
Karma: 17
those tags were pretty shitty
Posts: 971
Karma: 42
oh san francisco. I love this video, good editing. I'm going to look out for the tags when I go home tomorrow.
Posts: 85
Karma: 9
ya it was funny but learn how to tag
Posts: 5337
Karma: 98
that's the third time i thought the title of this thread was "Super Sick Vd" haha really threw me off.
Posts: 3161
Karma: 24
I thought the views of the city were cool and the first song. Then i honestly dont think it was that good. They sprayed the same shit all over the place and it wasnt legible. The skating was alright on the ledge with the stairs but there wasnt much there..
Posts: 1966
Karma: 12
nice video
clean cuts, well edited
skating is awesome
Posts: 7516
Karma: -1,227
dumb, tagging is fucking mental and I hope the cops book you for that shit in the near future so that you grow the fuck up.
The skating is sub-par at best and it seemed like there was more tagging than actual skating. My neighbor rides for the Darkstar am team and the tricks he does on a daily basis are so much better than anything in that whole video. There were no handrails just the same lame spots over and over, especially that little 3-4 stair building entrance.
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
wow, you are retarded, have you never heard of the frisko busflow handstyle?
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
if you don't have anything nice to say, the shut the fuck up
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
Posts: 1282
Karma: 14
while bombing is very artistic tagging can be too. have you ever seen someone with a sick handstyle? i suggest you check out a graffiti website and take a look at some good writers handstyles. lots of time go into them and many are artistic more than just letters. the letters take on a new form as art. these are the tags that are super. others are not so super and i strongly dislike the people who see graffiti as a way to write obscene shit for no reason other than trying to look cool. theres more to it than that
Posts: 6573
Karma: 197
Not hating, the video was nice concept, not the best editing good quality, not my style of shooting or editing. But i liked it.
tags weren't soo good in my opinion but you hit good spots in broad day.
takes heart
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
New Vid Up! "A Second Comming" check it out
Posts: 557
Karma: 40
I'm confused a little bit. I have a question regarding that video. Why do they hide their identity while hiding, but then right after they show scenes of skating and their faces are revealed! Are they two different crowds or one in the same people? cause if they're the same people then why bother trying to hide the faces when filming the tagging. That confused me a bit and I couldn't stop thinking about that for the whole film segment.
Posts: 4881
Karma: 147
I like the second video, keep them coming ^_^
Posts: 557
Karma: 40
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
they are a different set of people
Posts: 12272
Karma: 7,470
I agree about graffitti being sick and tagging just being ugly. if anyone tagged the side of my van for the sake of some stupid video id slice their throat. other than that i thought the skating was pretty impressive and the editing where he climbed the light pole was dope.
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
Posts: 2929
Karma: 12
Posts: 6204
Karma: 51
i agree with you, but the tag itself is a way for an artiat to let people know that "i painted this one and this one, but you dont know me"
Posts: 12874
Karma: 3,460
i got pissed when you tagged the guys car. what the fuck is wrong with you idiots. fucking carelessly defacing someone elses shit? with ugly scribbles that you cant even really make out.
Posts: 807
Karma: 22
I lost all respect when the guy put some shitty tag on top of what looked like some nice graffiti, its like our skate park people do some nice work in there then these studied, kids who's balls haven't dropped yet put some shitty tag over top making everything look like shit.
Posts: 18901
Karma: 75
When I read that it was about San Francisco I of course thought of flamboyantly gay people. When I watched the video I was greeted by dudes with long hair and girl pants. Can't say my SF stereotype has changed at all.
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
A.) there are no girl pants and
B.) there's a difference between skater hair and girl long hair
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