Ok, I think I know a lot about this, because, I am an internationl studies major at the University of Washington, and I have taken several courses on this subject. So here goes:
I dont know if anyone remembers Bush's speech at West Point on June 1st 2002. If you don't, look it up and watch it. This is THE speech where Bush gives himself away as having "converted" to the PNAC point of view. His speech is clearly written along the same lines as the PNAC point of view.
Once you have listened to this speech, look up the
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America on google.
This is THE official government document that our government follows to the T. This is a REWRITE of the PNAC's document
Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources For A New Century, which exposes their point of view.
Basically, our Security Strategy is the PNAC Security Strategy.
Now, who are these PNAC people? They are what we commonly refer to as neoconservatives. I wont go into the details, but instead give an example of how their point of view differs.
Take the 1991 Gulf War. President Bush senior, a true realist, invades Iraq, frees Kuwait, but DOES NOT go on to Baghdad because his advisors warned him of the culture fragmentation of the country. Bush senior was cautious.
The new Bush, influenced by neocon teachings, does not believe that culture can have an impact on power distribution or balance of power. Instead, he believed that by toppeling Saddam, the other Middle Eastern dicatators would fall as well. This is the traditional neocon point of view.
I highly recomment that everyone read the PNAC's "REbuilding America's Defences" as well as read
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, it is OUR security strategy after all! And ask yourself if you agree with what our government is basing its decisions off of!