My skis are two seasons old after this season with maybe 15 days last season and I think I'll end up with above 20 this season. That's not the main reason I'm looking for new one's though. They're pretty small at this point. I have Rossi Scratch Pro 158. I'm thinking I need something bigger? But I'm not sure how much bigger I need. I ski mostly out of park, I guess, but I'm getting into park more. Any suggestions would be great, I'm liking the new Armadas but I'm only starting out in the park and I was wondering if they're sort of overkill. I've been skiing for 13 yrs now so I'm not looking for a beginner ski, I need something that will handle East Coast conditions as well. Damn ice...
I'm 15, roughly 5'6''-5'7'' and weigh about 135 lbs.
Thanks a ton to anyone who helps me out.