alright... what confuses me the most, is how this is the exact opposite of what gore said...
the way that these two documentaries are presented, all i can see from them is their data, what they gathered. I have no way of knowing the validity of either method or data, and i can only therefore take their word for it..
i've been skeptical about global warming, at least in its effects, before this film, and so with very basic reasoning coming from an inconvenient truth and the graphs and data there, so it comes as no surprise to me that there are alternate theories, given the widely speculative nature of this entire endeavor.
the thing is that, one of their main arguments is that this whole global warming scheme is very largely political, and money driven, and i believe that this is true, because we KNOW it's true with many scientific theories, but how is it we cannot play the same card with these fellows? How do we know they aren't driven to get money back for them, that they're being truthful and completely transparent?
Really, what this says is that we really don't know for certain what will and won't happen, which is basically the premise i started out with.
However, their spiel about how we're keeping the progress of Africa and globalization down, that whole conspiracy seems rather far fetched, or at least unfair...
while developing countries may not actually contribute anything to climate change according to this, we DO know that developing countries are far more polluting than developed countries in their industrial business, and this IS damaging to the environment. Just look at China: CFC's killing the ozone layer, cars that pollute so much the air is basically cancerous, polluted waters, destruction of habitat... These things are not good. Far from keeping developing countries down, this should encourage the west to help industrialize efficiently so that they reach the level of cleanliness we have in many parts of the world...
If the global warming scare can make people stop polluting, and help others (ha, humans being generous and altruistic) to not pollute, then i don't care if it's true or not, in the same terms or not...
either way, less pollution = better everything.