ya, basically my gf told me not to say anything to another girl, because i am friends with this girl, and she said something along the lines of i should break up with my gf, to my gf because she is leaving for college in the fall, and im still in highschool. so this girl is like whats wrong with her, since she was pissed, and im like um, i dunno...and then she cons me into saying something, confronts my gf. and then is like thats not what i meant and shit, but the fact i said something, totally pissed off my gf. so i guess im the asshole. and on top of that, i have to work with the stupidist bitch in the world, and she makes my job so much more stressful. i think i might just go get drunk, thats always a solution
Oh yes, yes, i love crack, im absolutely cookoo for crack! -Stewie