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Ever catch yur dick in your zipper.????
Posts: 1045
Karma: 11
last night i caught my dick in my zipper..and it fucking hert like hell and it bleed a bit.the problem is my gf wants to have sex tammorow ,and i dont no if i can it kills when i play with it lol... anyone elce do this...
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Karma: 76
HAHAHA.. sorry had to get that out.. yeah, its happend to me before, when i was like 5, and i wore those 1 piece PJ's, hurts like a bitch
Posts: 3543
Karma: 13,337
yeah when i was little and had a one piece pajama thing my mom zipped it up right on my dick
Posts: 12290
Karma: 7,726
on monday was she like.."hey, you know i really dont want to participate in wednesdays steak and blowjob day, but i was thinking thursday at about 3:15pm would be good for some sex. to pencil that into your calendar...unless of course theres some sort of sore on your dick, in which case, CANCELLED."
Posts: 1045
Karma: 11
ohh ya i wasent wearing boxers.thats why i think nothing holding it back..fuck it sucks
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
my grandfather once told me about the time when both him and his brother went to the same elementary school. one day he his teacher called him up and told him that he needed to go to the bathroom. In the there was his brother, covered in blood, with his zipper a little more then half way up. Apparently he was going for a quick zip and everything wasnt put away. so my grandfather had to unzip his pants for him.
Posts: 8558
Karma: 512
shes a feminist and shes going after the guys
Posts: 1174
Karma: 10
OMFG!! you're grandpa and his brother went to the same elementary school, NO WAY!!
Posts: 180
Karma: 41
that reminds me of "Something About Mary"
Posts: 2263
Karma: 245
i feel ya zippin your schwans hurts big time
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Karma: 153
Posts: 1966
Karma: 12
that happened to me once....fucking hurt
it might be okay, depends on how bad you caught it
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Karma: 62
bahahahaha ice ur dick... but i feel ur pain dude i did it when i was a little kid...
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only once than never again
Posts: 2341
Karma: 16
funny you ask, it happened to me yesterday morning
Posts: 1306
Karma: 9
hurt like a bitch. One night after heavy drinking i woke up with a huge cut on my peter and i looked at the pants i was wearing and there was a huge hole in the crotch area. i dont remember what happened but i must have ran into something. neosporin for a week so it didnt kill.
Posts: 1785
Karma: 12
Posts: 5337
Karma: 98
i did it when i was in high school, maybe a junior or something... anyway, it bled like hell and i went home. i almost went to the er because i thought i'd need stitches. i just neosporined the shit out of it and it was okay in a week. that was really embarassing telling my girlfriend we couldn't do it for a while. haha.
Posts: 7167
Karma: 94
This one time I was taking a piss and I wasnt payin much attention. So I went to adjusted my pants and that must have triggered my zipper to move up a little and for a brief second. It caught the tinest piece of skin on my dick right near my sack, right between one of the tracks and the zipper merly pinching it.. I cant believe how excrutiating and unbearable the pain was.
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uuhh okay? maybe pictures or video would help us understand...
Posts: 17806
Karma: 3,841
hirts every time, thats a mistake you'll never make again
Posts: 922
Karma: 227
m6 dad did that to mine when i was like 3, right on the tip
Posts: 6857
Karma: 25
what are we looking at here, the franks or the beans?
Posts: 2923
Karma: 13
Yah, years ago, it hurt like fuck, and not i sort of lean back every time i zip up to avoid it. actually, i just wear briefs, which dont have very accessible flys, so ig otta pull em down a bit.
Posts: 508
Karma: 10
DUDE!!! Hahahahahahahahahhahahaha wow.. that sucks ive never had the chance to do that and im glad
Posts: 6562
Karma: 107
franks and beans!
he was masterbating!
Posts: 1174
Karma: 10
yeah i guess i was never one of the lucky ones either
Posts: 300
Karma: 11
Did it last month. man did that hurt. blood all over. i had ice down my pants for a week.
and then today when i was volenteering as a mascot a friend kneed me in the groin, i was so sure i was bleeding, but no, just felt like i was going to puke.
Posts: 5536
Karma: -1
Yeah, it sucks worse than just about anything else in the world, especially like someone said above, when you just get a tiny bit of skin caught in the teeth, man it kills...but just be more careful from now on, I know I am.
Posts: 168
Karma: 11
i pissed on an electric fence once.... my dick went rock solid for like 4 hours and purple for like 3 days....
it really fucking hurt
Posts: 7368
Karma: 53
Uhm... or perhaps not would be a better idea.
I used to do that all the time, fortunately hasn't happened to me recently because I've gotten a lot more careful. Hurts like a bitch, hopefully won't happen again.
Posts: 5536
Karma: -1
BAHAHAHAHA! Me and a friend dared this kid to do that once, I think he had a bad time...
Posts: 508
Karma: 10
uhh i think even a retard could understand that, are you gay?
Posts: 8125
Karma: 65
how'd you get the beans above the frank??
Posts: 2631
Karma: 57
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Karma: 1,603
Happened to me last week....worst experience of my life. I had the same gf problem also. We were makin' out and she went for it, and all I said was "Not today."
Posts: 4
Karma: 10
its his grandpas brother.... god damn ur a dumbass
Posts: 2195
Karma: 1,165
I've zipped up my dick before. I made my gf give me a BJ later on that day, she complained about the cut on my schlong but I made her keep going and explained it wasn't nearly as bad as the time she wanted to 69 and she was early.
Posts: 7596
Karma: 19
one of the reasons I do the pull over
but yeah, I used to have one of those one piece pajamas that zipped my dick a lot
Posts: 3179
Karma: 11
I always make sure the goods are put away, and derick why the hell werent you wearing boxers or anything????
Posts: 12026
Karma: 9,557
when i was 6 i cought my upper vascular hood in the zipper. game over
Posts: 915
Karma: 20
oh yeah, you know that happens to me all the time
Posts: 4792
Karma: 120
^ yeah.. aren't you like, a.. a guy or something?
Posts: 1145
Karma: 11
slightly pinched it with the zipper, not the full out "theres something about mary" style
Posts: 4755
Karma: 192
you... plan when you are going to have sex? "my girlfriend wants to have sex tomorrow" In my experiance sex is more spontanious than that
Posts: 1428
Karma: 16
Just get a jar of aloe and start humping it. Your D-unit will feel like new in no time.
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