Dear Dave,
It seems to me that vegetate is slowly getting worse and worse, last year pipe was the only good portion of it and now the pipe comp is moved to a friday??? most of the people in the pipe comp are kids in high school who cant afford to miss school. and now the rail jam is not a fun filled comp, now it is just a show for all the people who come to the Mt. to not ski, but to sit around on the patio. these people are not the customers you need to impress, you need to keep the respect of the regulars such as the park kids who are the people who come to the mountain more often than most.
also, why is there no slopestyle??? slopestyle is everyone at hood's favorite type of comp, and there is not slope style. i will send you a link to a website where kids talk about it.
please tak the time to read it. you will learn alot about the perspectives of the people who ride at your resort most.
now please listen and try to do a slopstyle comp and please move the pipe jam to the weekend when the people who will attend won't be busy.
also, please respond with reasons why things have gotten so shitty
-Elliott Preston
sorry i mooched some of your e-mail brodeo, but you had some good points