Replying to Mount Snow, R.I.P.
After hailing mount snow as my home, for longer than the twin tip ski has been available, Im over it. The resort was at its peak an estimated 3 years ago, wicked was shot there, freeskier jibfest went off, and further back than most of you know, the Xgames was pretty successful. Sure, there were plenty of shitheads running the show, but everything fell together.
Now, years past their hayday, the place is a shithole. Never to make a comeback, new owners and management obviously care nothing for a park, or a resort. With only a few familiar faces left (that are worth saying hi to), I realized that anyone with knowledge of the end, tucked their tail and ran.
Im gonna make a couple more runs this year, but it will be HATE skiing. like screwing an xgirlfriend, i feel i should demoralize my old stomping grounds, leave a few marks. I suggest yall do the same.
I wish i could go back to 04-05, and take a run with the whole crew. you know who you are.
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