Next is the all black Volcom suit I tried to sell before. 6'3" for reference, jacket large, pants medium. Come on guys, help me out here. 5k/7k, looking for $100 shipped, but just throw out any offer, lowball away.

A Gap puffy, size large. Ridiculously warm and bulky, but not really my style. $45 shipped.

The piece d' resistance: a pair of 120 cm Burton kid's boards mounted with marker ti 11.0 Speedpoints. Yes, I have actually skied on them, and they work much better than you'd expect. You know you want 'em. Offers start at cost of shipping.

I can find the brakes if anyone wants the speedpoints for some reason.
Make offers. I also have a pair of used cityscape AR5's in 176 that I might be willing to sell. I will separate the skis and bindings on the VCTs, but only if I have buyers for both.