AJ Dakoulas
Andrew Napier
Brady Perron
David Euler
Jeff Kiesel
Lenny Ancuta
Steve Stepp "Gahhblin" WTF is gahhblin?
Tom Wallisch
Andrew Holson
Brady Lee
Dale Talkington
Dylan Ferguson
Kzanomics?? Khan
Rich Fahey
Tim Maney
Trevor Woods
Mike Riddle
Matt Hayward
Mike Henituk
Ian Cosco
Justin Dorey
Joe Schuster
Sammy Carlson
Simon Dumont
Okay, so Tom Wallisch is good at park rails and Jeff Kiesel can spin off rails like crazy but does any of 4bi9 even stand a chance against anyone in P.Crew? Carlson and Dumont? 4bi9 is over-hyped.