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The OFFICIAL "GAY" thread about saying "gay"
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I know to some people this is a touchy subject but i was just wondering what everyone's thoughts are about saying "gay". I go to a school where everyone says "gay", i don't even think about it. Come to think of it, i can't think of anyone (my age) who doesn't say gay. It goes right along with, "That was retarded, this is stupid, that's gay." Does anybody remember when this started or when everyone started saying it? What do gay people think about this? Does anybody NOT say "gay"? Is there a point where you grow out of say it?
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i just say tots instead of gay so i say "thats so tots"
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Whoever uses it in that form has a very small vocabulary, are most likely very immature, and have very little to no intelligence.
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I grew out of it early in high school. I know that people don't use it as a derogatory term usually, but I don't feel the need to say it anyways. I used to care a lot and find it offensive, but I've stopped caring.
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never really think about it but i do
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depends who it is... i never say gay though.
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no, you don't grow out of it...unless you're gay.
haha, no but seriously, i still say gay all the time. I think i first remember hearing people say the word "gay" as slang in like 8th/9th grade. that was about 9-10 years ago. im old i guess....gay.
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i just couldn't imagine a 16 yr old giving that reponse. Did u ever say it when u were younger? if so, when did u stop? if you've never said it all, then nevermind.
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thanks for the clarification
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no prob; and don't say nigger either, it's offensive... hm, I must be black too eh?
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Yeah I'm sure I have, but at one point in my life I realized that
using it will only bring judgment upon myself and that there are many other words I can use to articulate what I want to say.
Like I said before, it has a lot to do with maturity.
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you just said it why cant i
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because according to the logic applied to your previous (first) response... I'm apparently black.
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true...it does have to do with maturity.
I think being mature all the time is boring though...there are times when it is definitely inappropriate and downright embarassing to use (church/public places in general/work...etc)...but just chillin' with friends or shootin' the shit who cares?
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I had this black teacher in Community College who really liked to bust my balls, and i wrote a paper on minorities, and she said that they preferred "people of color" and that minorities was old school and offensive. I told her i didn't fee comfortable using "people of color" because that implies that im a person with no-color...just a transparent invisible (wo)man if you will. She said that i was using my "white-power" to name her people and just re-confirming her suspicions that i was racist by attempted to opress her by not calling her what she wanted to be called.
so then i told her that apparently race is all she thinks about, because my paper about minorities was really referring to midgets, the handicap and people with hair lips.
She told me i was a smart ass. I told her she was a bitch.
So i got kicked out of the class and I had to take some ehtnic-awareness class that the dean recommended.
im not racist at all. but she genuinely was a bitch. end story.
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my favorite is still whenever you hear someone call another kid a gay faggot.
Posts: 510
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this thread is sooooo gay
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reverse racism i hate that shit.
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that word has kinda lost alot of meaning. everyone says gay just for the hell of it now.
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I don't say gay like that, and I'm 16.
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homo is not the same. nobody says "That movie was homo."
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actually if u want to get extremely logical,nigger means an unsophisticatied person, not just a black person.
I dont really say gay. I used to alot but idk.
Posts: 656
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really? thats what nigger means?
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everybody says gay here... but like when someone does something really ehhh not manly?? (lack of english sorry)
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can i say "shred till your gay"
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I used to throw it around, but i just grew out of it, its just another trendy word.
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I say homo. I think its more original then gay
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soooooo gay. id even go so far as to say its gayer than AIDs, if thats possible
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id say its mostly a middle school thing.
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if you say it at my school you get suspended for sexual harasment
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damnit, i came here just to say that.
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sometimes i call kids faggots
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calling a gay person a faggot insults them too. its like a derogatory term for gays
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ill admit it i started saying it a t school and it stuck and just flew off the handel and started traveling all around the U.S. exect for rhode Island
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ive noticed that when ive been to other places in america, like my cousin's house in arizona, and i say "that is gay" or whatever, people are like" what? i have no idea what that means"
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