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Wow y is skiing getting so expensive
Posts: 576
Karma: 135
i can't belive that the shit hole i ski at sell a small fry for $3
Posts: 6290
Karma: 428
4.75 for a small fry at bradford
Posts: 576
Karma: 135
its so gay they shouldn't be able to do that
Posts: 189
Karma: 10
If yo want to have quality fries, yo gotta pay for it nigga.
Posts: 576
Karma: 135
wendys mc donalds $1 there not as good but who cares
Posts: 7167
Karma: 94
$4.25 for a bottle of coke, water, you name it at my work.. it's unbelievable.
Posts: 189
Karma: 10
Posts: 576
Karma: 135
Posts: 189
Karma: 10
it's crazey but it's the realitey.
Posts: 496
Karma: 10
they only do it cause they know they can. but if you have a car then you can just leave the ski area for lunch/dinner what ever you eat while your out there. but yeah it is still really gay how much they charge
Posts: 2923
Karma: 13
Yo at least youre not addicted to coke. then you can talk about expensive. I just have my fake employee ID to get 1/2 off stuff cause I aint paying no 5 dollas for a pizza
Posts: 1598
Karma: 9
its not the food that is really bad for me its buying the skis and the gear i mean its not hard to drop a grand on shit and thats what sucks
Posts: 5842
Karma: 35
yea dude, just pack your own lunch. Normally I bring a sandwich, some power bars, and whatever other food is lying around my house/dorm. I might buy something small but i try to avoid it
Posts: 6476
Karma: 294
Posts: 1914
Karma: 16
for sure, throw some candy and nuts in a ziploc bag and grab a samdwhich put that shit in your pocket and problem solvoed. Think about it people if you ski say 35 days/season, which really isn't that much many people on this site ski way more, and you pay $10/day for food at the mtn which is a conservative number becuase where I ski a fucking sandwhcih or some shit can be over $10 you are spending over $350 a season just for lunches. my season pass to Breckenridge, Keystone, A-Basin and 10 days at Vail was $350. If I don't spend money on lodge food that means I can get a season pass for next year. BAM. I know the fries and pizza looks damn good and is hard to resist when your buddies are pigging out, but the money you save could buy you a season pass or a brand new pair of skis!
Posts: 6671
Karma: 137
because fags from nj/nyc will pay for it
Posts: 12026
Karma: 9,557
Posts: 2622
Karma: 10
its not so much the food prices that bother me because you can always bring your own even though its a pain in the ass. with food at least you have options. its lift ticket prices that piss me off. you basically have to have them unless you know lifties so your kinda forced to buy them.
Posts: 1265
Karma: 36
at my place its 6.50 i think for a extra big poutine
Posts: 0
Karma: 7,705
fill your pockets with food and go ski!
Posts: 2369
Karma: 23
season's pass=200.00
Posts: 4429
Karma: 20
burger fries and drink for 9.50 at my mountain
Posts: 23796
Karma: 13,017
fries, small drink, hot dog and cookie for 9.75
Posts: 1298
Karma: 60
i usually just bring a lunch, but i know the guys who work at my club and they sneak us the company discount
Posts: 733
Karma: 19
i get a discount for my seasons pass so they usually alway calcualate it wrong and it is really cheap. I usually get a chilli, burger, fries and pepsi for $5. joe_shmo calls me a fat ass for it
Posts: 2087
Karma: 11
yeah 80 bucks for a lift ticket is so expensive
Posts: 182
Karma: 10
dude where i am for a fry its 4-6 $
Posts: 733
Karma: 19
your seasons pass is really cheap
Posts: 3795
Karma: 273
man i wish my season pass was 200, its 500 and thats an eastcoast season this year they have been open about 60 days
Posts: 2622
Karma: 10
Posts: 733
Karma: 19
mine was 600 and i go to blue mountain in ontario and it is not that amazing skiing at all
Posts: 1994
Karma: 43
i'm poaching my ski hill next year. it aint no thang.
Posts: 924
Karma: 19
Posts: 9304
Karma: 3,670
ok heres what u do for a free lunch, you go up to where they have the free crackers for the soups and such, and you take them all, and thats your lunch
Posts: 4221
Karma: 13
i steal every piece of food i eat at my mtn cuz i cant afford to pay the $6 for fries and $8 for a burger that gore wants so fuck them i even out their profits
Posts: 6920
Karma: 348
even the packages of crackers are 60 cents at my hill. creamers are 125 cents, and cups are 30 cents.
Posts: 10750
Karma: 7,995
i don't think I've bought any food at my mountain in 6 or 7 years.
Posts: 3795
Karma: 273
the way to go is PB&J stealing shit is risky and scumy, the best thing to do is get one of your friends to work in food servie and have him get ya free food
Posts: 733
Karma: 19
that amazing. You have got some mad skillz
Posts: 2369
Karma: 23
Posts: 8558
Karma: 512
its not really skiing what ur saying
and apple 3.45
Posts: 10905
Karma: 60
uhh yeah thats really cheap, its like 20 bucks for a full day. my mountain isnt even nice (nothing faster than a double chair) and its 50 a day.
Posts: 2369
Karma: 23
^dude. 140 vertical feet, 100% snowmaking, no jumps, 3 rails, 0 boxes, halfpipe groomed monthly, and 8 runs. 1 quad lift, 2 tow ropes and a t bar.
Posts: 733
Karma: 19
lol now i apreciate my mountian because we got like 36 runs an amazing park and four high speed chairs, 6 seater
Posts: 4329
Karma: 300
Posts: 424
Karma: 12
wow it does get worse than where im at, they even spelt terrain park on their website wrong
Posts: 733
Karma: 19
is that cobble hill place any where near grand bend because that is where my cottage is and it kinda looked like it was near there
Posts: 4210
Karma: 124
Word, the five finger discount works for me. Or 10/$10 Ramen noodles + free hot water = food of the gods.
Posts: 7167
Karma: 94
it's expensive because we still pay for it...
and because people are greedy
Posts: 683
Karma: 14
Here's my prices
Cheeseburger Free.99
Fries Free.99
Candy Free.99
Drinks Free.99
Why do you think they sell baggy clothes? So you can stuff as much food as possible into your jacket!! ahahaha
Posts: 1914
Karma: 16
Think about this though, if enough people brought their own food and refused to pay the ridiculous prices, they would be forced to lower their prices (or raise them I havent though this far...damn economics) but neways that will never happen, just wishful thinking.
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