I was up at the mountain today and I was near the bottom where all the run-off is, skiing switch because that's the only way to make that shit fun. Because it's pretty easy terrain and I'm pretty good switch I was only really checking behind me every 5-10 seconds, and right under the lift I hit a slow sign dead on... flipped over it, bent my pole pretty much in half and ejected from one of my skis. Pretty epic haha.
Writing this I remembered another time over Christmas break. Me and my friend were skiing and saw these kids who had been cutting people off and making asses of themselves all day about to jump what had to be the stupidest cliff ever from the chair.. it was like two feet and there were all sorts of rocks and shit below it, so we started chanting "Jea jea jea jea!" at them really loud. We ski down to where they are and, as expected, they were still sitting around being idiots, so one of them challenged me to hit this little jib on the side of the trail. Given that we'd sort of been making fun of them, I decided to do something that was somewhat impressive, so I shoot a little bit more to the right than I should have so I could gap this log with one of the slowest, steeziest 180s I had ever pulled, but the problem was I went too far to the right, landed on this lip that I wasn't expecting, and ejected from both of my skis right in front of them.. sigh.