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Tuckermans ravine east coast back country
Posts: 221
Karma: 11
any one ever skied tuckermans ravine on my washington in NH. jsu wonderin what to expect me and a buddy are goin up there on wednesday.
Posts: 4631
Karma: 726
always wanted to. hows the snow there this year?
Posts: 10333
Karma: 3,948
that should be sick...I was gonna go last year on Easter
Posts: 221
Karma: 11
its good i heard they have 40 ft or so so it should be real nice. not lookin forward to the hike out but its worth it for the skiing.
Posts: 3357
Karma: 66
check out
www.tuckerman.org up to date avy conditions. i wanna hit it soon, pow looks pretty ill
Posts: 153
Karma: 21
its a little early for tucks u gotta watch out for falling ice and snow cookies. other then that get ready for prolly the deepest skiing u've ever done. have fun watch out for lunch rocks.
Posts: 1232
Karma: -26
my friends have done it and said they almost pooped them selves climbing up
Posts: 221
Karma: 11
yea im use to the climbing i go backpacking alot. although im still not lookin forward to it. the one thing that worries me is this is my first real backcountry skiin i mean i skiied the glades at killington but somehow i dont think thats gonna compare to all this. im pumped though hopefully ill have a shit load of pics to show all yall the pow.
Posts: 773
Karma: 12
Im going out there in the spring... cant wait
Posts: 3613
Karma: 125
in michigan...backcountry skiing often happens with a tow rope behind a snowmobile. you're lucky you have mountains
Posts: 2495
Karma: 101
tucks is more an april/may trip. the bootpack is long and can get hairy. you should also do huntington ravine which is lookers right of tucks.
Posts: 4578
Karma: 2,512
be super careful, make sure you have full avy gear and know how to use it, theres a reason not very many people ski tucks in the winter
Posts: 528
Karma: 215
its so much fun minus the hike which has beautiful secery but its a bitch if your out of shape
Posts: 7485
Karma: 396
I did it in the spring, if you've never done bc before I wouldn't go in the winter dude, I hope you're goin with someone really experienced or something???
Posts: 2114
Karma: 568
i did it last spring. the hiking sucked but the skiing was fun
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
well if your going in late feb then i suggest you be prepared for extremely cold and windy conditions. avalanches, ice, all that shit
Posts: 639
Karma: 14
It's not safe for all but the most hardcore climbers until late April. I went April 27 last year and it was bluebird and totally sick...The hike is really fun..at the end of the day, you feel like you really did a lot.
Posts: 135
Karma: 10
i have climbed it in summer, pretty long day hike. Probabley way worse and exhausting in winter. when i went it was like 40 degrees with tons of wind and rain in the middle of august
Posts: 14949
Karma: 9,239
Going up Tucks right now would be a very very very bad idea. Wait til the spring man.
Posts: 2341
Karma: 16
Posts: 221
Karma: 11
so... to anyone who said doin tucks right now would be a bad idea... you were severly wrong. me and my buddy went up feb 28th and it was amazing. we hiked up to hojos in only one layer and didnt even need snow shoes or anything to get up there. although i do agree that it is a pretty narly hike. then at hojos we breaked for half an hour ate some lunch and geared up to climb the head wall. it took us about an hour to climb from hojos to the summit of the ravine. we were gonna go to the summit of mt. washington but we had gotten a late start that day and it was already about 3 so the sun was comin down. it was a gorgouse day though u could see for miles on top. and only was windy once u got to the top of the ravine. we skiied down the right gully cus the whole left side was in the shadows and icy. then we crossed over in to the bowl and down the little head wall back to hojos. from there we skied the sherburn ski trail all the way back down to the parking lot. all in all it took us about 6 and half hours, one and a half of which was spent skiing backcountry!!!!. im workin on posting the pics we took about 80 so it might be a day or too till they are up. going back in april and may and june if the season lasts if anyone wnats to join us.
Posts: 5898
Karma: 44
cool man would love to see the pictures, ill come in april i bet
Posts: 221
Karma: 11
yea u should defintly come check it out we leave from ballston lake which is like 20 minutes north of albany. dont klnow the dates yet but ill keep them posted as soon as we figure it out tentativly the second weekend in the month.
Posts: 678
Karma: 27
tucks is sick, we do it once a year usually, but its prime in late march or april
Posts: 2146
Karma: 88
that's sick, i gotta admit i was pretty skeptical when i read about your plans, but thats dope... still undoubtedly dangerous, but i guess if you do it right you get rewarded with some sick skiing... can't wait to go in april
Posts: 830
Karma: 46
i heard its not worht the hike at all
Posts: 221
Karma: 11
yo its totally worth the hike. the hike is amazing too. bein on the headwall and being able to stand up straight and outstrech your arm and touch the trail in front of u is so sick. its such a rush. i cant wait to do it again!
Posts: 3265
Karma: 34
You guys have to get over this "tucks isn't safe until the spring" bs. The level of danger at tucks changes on a day to day basis. The overall dangers change on a seasonal basis. e.g. the dead of winter has heavy slab and multi-directional wind dangers, the sprint has crevasse and wet slide dangers.
Needless to say, Killington glades is not backcountry as you've already stated. It's not the difficulty of the terrain, but the dangers you need to be concerned with.
Don't take this as an insult, but you don't seem to have any backcountry training or experience. I really recommend that someone w/your experience stays away from tucks until late April when Tucks becomes more crowded. While not always true, the more people that hit a slope, the safer it is. Conditions change throughout the day, so frequent travel is only a reassurance. However, if something slides, you'll have more spotters and (hopefully) patrollers there to track you down and dig you out.
It worries me when I see people climbing straight up the gullies in 80 mph winds b/c there's 2 feet of fresh blown into the bowl from the night before. Those're the people Darwin takes care of.
Posts: 18426
Karma: 4,889
Posts: 221
Karma: 11
ok antadam i tried really hard to not take that as an insult but all i could see was u bashin me when u dont even know my level. earlier i said i had never SKIED backcountry before. i have been on the other hand climbing and ice wall climbing and rock wall climbing since i can remember. so yes i understand all the dangers of the place and i am fully trained in surviving in the wilderness for days on end with minimal supplies. I have had to do it before. do u honestly think i would try something like this if i didnt know the dangers, also im not saying i was not nervous at all. because it is when u lose all fear that u do some of your stupidist shit. so dont try to come at me like im some newb to being in the wilderness. anyone who has never had mountain expierinece wouldnt even make it up to hojo's let alone the summit of tuckermans. alos your right the danger level does change from day to day or even from hour to hour with how the sun is hitting it.
ohh and sad to say but for all of u who think u will get to ski nice deep pow at tucks... you wont. its a bowl that the wind is constantly kicking around in. its still amazing skiing but not alot of powder.
Posts: 221
Karma: 11
uploading pics to photobucket right now i might make a totally differnt post jus for the pics.
Posts: 12967
Karma: 3,451
he wasnt insulting you...but maybe he got the idea that you werent on the level to do tucks because in the beginning of this wonderful thread you wrote: "any one ever skied tuckermans ravine on my washington in NH. jsu wonderin what to expect"-----i rest my case
Posts: 221
Karma: 11
the only reason i asked that is not because im not expierienced but becasue i have never done tuckermans before. asking people around u if they have done a trail or hike and what its like that u havnt done isnt a sign of inexpierience if any thing it shows expierience that yur smart enough to do some research on the place instead of jus packin up and goin at it blindly.
ohh by the way the pics are up in a different post. i didnt post all 80 cus that would jus take way to long.
Posts: 1420
Karma: 14
I plan on going soon, not sure when though
Posts: 12967
Karma: 3,451
understood. next time scope out timefortuckerman.com or just do a regular google seach on it, theres a few different sites with great info.
i'll be up there mid-april or so
Posts: 221
Karma: 11
yea i did do a bunch of online stuff but it helps to ask around. maybe ill see u up there we are going back in april too. hopefully get to ski the left gully this time or hillmans highway (little easier but very very fun i heard.)
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