The topic was "Do you think freedom is the American Dream?"
Personally, I don't think it is. If freedom is our dream, then we suck at living our dreams. America isn't free at all. True freedom would allow us to do whatever we want. Right now, were just controlled by laws and a redneck from Texas.
Freedom can't be had with the president we have now. He couldn't even go to war in Vietnam. Bush jumped the draft and did a few lines. WTF? He's the true dictator. I think Saddam has some work to do just to catch up to Dubya. I mean, who else blew up four planes, three buildings, and blamed it on a minority?
The CIA and Bush are the true terrorist. Neither want us to be free because that would make us think differently. Someone needs to stand up again these people because these rednecks are getting quite outrageous lately.
I see a terroist attack coming in the next year and a half. It will probally let Bush stay in power because of the Patriot Act. So guess what? The almighty USA will go off and blow up a few more third-world countires. That's every hillbilly's dream to go blow up stuff and kill people poorer than himself.
If you call the cops on me for this paper, I will probally get the death sentance. I'll laugh though. He will kill me because I didn't heil the almighty BUSH. I swear hes a knock off Hitler. The only difference is Hitler was a bit smart and actually liked his own country.
This is why I don't like rednecks. They talk funny, small funny, and in GWB's case, they need a helmet. Oh, and dont say this is off topic because it's all about freedom. I'm just telling you about our oh great dictator who wants to take it away from us.