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Favorite smoking device...
Posts: 614
Karma: 9
im gonna have to say my vaporizer.... how about you guys?
Posts: 1297
Karma: 30
Posts: 178
Karma: 9
sick bongs are allways soo dope to smoke outa but not practicle at all so im gonna have to say a nice pipe cause you can smoke like any amount of weed and use it anywhere pretty much
Posts: 614
Karma: 9
and do u put ice in ur bong?
Posts: 10636
Karma: 373
for right now i have ummm lets see
computer paper thats ma one and only smokin device that and some leaves
Posts: 4746
Karma: 18
Posts: 4677
Karma: 12
Posts: 4502
Karma: 47
bongs! one shaped like a cowboys boot is my fav
Posts: 1697
Karma: 62
i smoke out mah hand... like OG's do son...
Posts: 5238
Karma: 1,359
Posts: 1736
Karma: 668
joints and blunts are the balla way to go
Posts: 5460
Karma: 72
Well if your favorite is a vape, thats not really a smoking device is it? Mine would be a zong.
Posts: 4662
Karma: 15
Posts: 4916
Karma: 66
i always enjoy the nice bubbler
Posts: 1306
Karma: 9
Posts: 2095
Karma: 14
mmm probably my little bubb. its super awesome
Posts: 3187
Karma: 1,563
ma mini bong aka lil rippy
Posts: 60
Karma: 18
blunt for steeze, bong for feel
Posts: 1818
Karma: 14
Posts: 77
Karma: 10
BONG/glass pipe/or joints
Posts: 6476
Karma: 294
Posts: 4631
Karma: 726
Posts: 6943
Karma: 14
at a party, blunts.
chillin with a couple friends, nothin better than a fat bowl in a bubbler, or packing individuals in a nice big bong.
Posts: 1396
Karma: 33
blunts run shit, but bongs come in a close second
Posts: 4904
Karma: 568
bongs with ice
ahhh so smooth
Posts: 1842
Karma: 83
blunts, dubbubs, and the occasional waterfall befro school (conservs nug liek no other)
Posts: 153
Karma: 10
My lil bong, but sometimes a small pipe is the way to go.
Posts: 15084
Karma: 732
Posts: 12967
Karma: 3,451
Posts: 9097
Karma: 777
Handy in a pinch and takes a little MacGyver skill but quite fun, even makes for a good snack afterward.
Posts: 12072
Karma: 60
my honey bear bong rocks shit. i stuck my chillum in its stomach as the bowl, with a carb a half inch to the left of it. it kicks TOO much butt.
Posts: 510
Karma: 159
Posts: 783
Karma: 15
Posts: 1568
Karma: 19
definitely a well rolled joint. nothing gets you higher than a well rolled joint to the dome.
Posts: 815
Karma: 16
either a j from my rolling machine or a nice little bowl
Posts: 510
Karma: 51
shit, smoking through an apple burns as hell in ur lungs...
Posts: 2923
Karma: 13
Posts: 614
Karma: 9
ok well if u dont wanna consider a vape a smokin device then ill have to say my gravity bong...altho there is a time for everything...
Posts: 12026
Karma: 9,557
who ever said gravity bong.. yeah. i got a perculating gb but id say my favorite and most efficant way.. HOT KNIFES
Posts: 3401
Karma: 14
but yea gravity bongs get you fucked up.
but i do love a fat blunt
Posts: 614
Karma: 9
could u explain hot knifes? in detail?
Posts: 3401
Karma: 14
i was super hammered one time and my cousin took a knife hit. i just remembered we scraped all the shit out of a bong bowl and he smoked that. he just had to go lay down. i would suggest not taking them. i like my but green not scraped up resin
Posts: 614
Karma: 9
i dont think thats what hes talking about when he says hot knifes...
Posts: 1240
Karma: 10
bongs mainly roors, blunts, volcanoes
Posts: 18426
Karma: 4,889
vapo if possible, bong if its convinient, joint or pipe if i need to be stealth
Posts: 12026
Karma: 9,557
how to for kids that needa get high
go into your kitchn grab 2 kifes no plastic handles, now go to your stove if you have a gas turn it up full blast if youhave a electric range( the wered loop ting) turn it on hight.. now place the knifes so that the tips become hot in the flam or stick in the range while it hot.. now. take a 2 leiter bottle cut it in half stick holes in the bottom half and full the upper half with ice./snow. now stick the bottom half bottom up into the top part holdin in the ice or snow(this is your tube now you can get fancypants but thats later) now by now your kinfes should be red hot by now. now take your weed / hash / resin, and make some little balls now this is your discresion bigger the ball bigger the hit. id say for a first timer make it the size of a pencil eraser. now arangee the balls on a plate that you dont mind gettin coverd in pot debris, now this is the tricky part if your byyourself its hard so be sure to have a buddy there.
hold the funnel up to you mouth and have your buddy take the knifes off the burner, with one kife you can push gently on the balls( usaly pot will stick to the knfie but hash or resin can be tricky) now it might be smoking a littl bit but not yetm, place the knife under the device you made and with the other knife smush the weed togher. this is when you suck through the bottle and suck up the smoke.. now this is a very genral discription of how to knife hit. there are many differant stlyes as well.
now if you want to make a 40 knifer tube. take an empty 40 and put in about half and inch of cold water.. get a red hot knife and be sure to be outside and throw the hot knife down the neck of the 40.. it should pop the bottom right off.
any other questions pm me.
Posts: 1438
Karma: 47
Posts: 1393
Karma: 12
joints and blunts much smoother high
i've always wanted to try smoking from an apple though
Posts: 7368
Karma: 53
Convenience: Pipe
Steeze: Joint
High: Bong
It all depends on what you need at the time.
Posts: 614
Karma: 9
still a lil confuse don the whole hot knife system... ill pm you...
Posts: 500
Karma: 10
when I feel like being creative, an apple ha
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