Okay, so I bought a pair of JP vs. Juliens from a certain NS member (I'm not gonna throw his name out until I have a chance to talk to him about this and figure some stuff out) and they finally came last night, so yesterday I was super excited to try them out even though there was not really and new snow, but I figured 'fuck it, I've been waiting to try these for ages'...so that's what I did. After a quick coat of wax and a hot scrape I was ready to ride, so I headed out, in my haste I didn't even bother re-setting the DIN, which was ok since I typically ride on 8 or 9 and these were set at 8=toe and 7=heel, respectively. After a couple short runs (and one crash...slightly overshot a zero spin on a 15 or-so foot pyramid type jump) I decided that these are a pretty fun ski, even on hard snow they handled better than I would've thought from reading what people said about them on here. Anyway, coming up to this little lip type thing a few hundred yards up from the chair I decide to nosepress 360, or at least attempt one...so I come up to it and lean forward and start to press my skis and all of a sudden...(I can't really describe the sound, because I don't remember if there was much of a sound) my heel piece it laying on the ground and my right ski is shooting down that hill, to which I immediaitely yell 'WHAT THE FUCK!?' followed by 'FOUR!' as a warning to move outta the way of that damn ski.
SO extremely pissed off I ski down on one ski, remember I've had these things for less than 24 hours and maybe this was my 4th run on a TINY slope, we're talking like most resorts beginner/bunny section (I run lifts and stuff there, and had some time to ride yesterday, that's why I was riding them there) I take the ski and binding inside and I start looking at it, and Kevin (lead tech, we've got an on-site shop to do mounts and whatnot) takes a look at it we both agree that some shit is not right...these aren't regular screws, they're metal threaded inserts, the kind you use when you've already ripped out a binding and are putting it back on. So here's my question for you guys...what do you think is up with that? Did he know and not tell me on purpose, cause I'm kinda doubting you could not know something like that, shops don't usually mount with those plugs/inserts unless some shit went wrong before and they wanna use the same holes. And is this common? I'd heard one or two stories about the FKS getting ripped out cause of the tight screw pattern, but these are the Axial2 (PX heel) and I didn't expect any issues with them. I should mention that ths skis and bindings came as a set and were close to my boot size, that's why I grabbed them up. And for anyone with experience with this sort of thing... should I epoxy the holes and try again, or just move the mount? Probably no chance of getting Armada to warranty these for me huh? Ah fuck this sucks...so what does NS think? Some of you guys that have these skis and/or experience with rip-outs I wanna know what you say.