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Park City Moutain Resort... horrible i think so
Posts: 818
Karma: 7,015
Ok so first run of the day today i got my season pass pulled in the lift line. I went behind a homie in the fast track lane to skip all the presidents day tourist lines. I thought huh what a bitch and went to the office to try and get a new one. So it turns out she has pulled over 10 passes today in the lift line causing me to never want to put up with park cities BS ever again. I am sick of the staff here they all suck and are douches. If you ever want to make a trip out here... dont ski park city if you want to have fun. Most people here are just richh old and cranky. O ya the lifties name was Alicia F. so if your ever in the lift lines at park city and see her... you know what to do.
Posts: 818
Karma: 7,015
i usually dont get pissed either
Posts: 3357
Karma: 66
your rambling is so damn incoherent... i slightly got the jist of what you were saying.... use complete thoughts, itll help you in the long run
Posts: 1582
Karma: 138
im goin out to utah in march, is it that bad, should i ski somewhere else?
Posts: 7485
Karma: 396
what didn't you get? alicia's skanky ass pulled the boys pass for tryin to take the express line or whatever it was called... but turns out she's just a huge twat and was doing an excessive amount of pass pulling, so I'm guessing he got his pass back but he didn't actually get that far in his rant. was that simplified enough?
Posts: 9529
Karma: 20,654
I agree.
People in PC, mostly rich adults, are stuck-up and pissy ALL the time. It ruins my day everytime i ski there. Ive had countless run-ins with stuck up adults around the resorts. They think they run the place.
Fuck em
Posts: 818
Karma: 7,015
yeah except i dont get my pass back
Posts: 4916
Karma: 66
it was pulled for the whole season??? Pull out the "do you know who i am" card!
Posts: 1482
Karma: 5,659
yo thats such bullshit
i just got my pass taken today for "jumping a fence" and "trying to flee the scene"
the guy took my pass instead of giving me a warning, just because i had a "bad" attitude. (i was being a dick)
i ended up getting taken down on a fucking sled by ski patrol because the guy got sooo pissed at me
luckily the girl that brought me down was cool as hell and is helping me get my pass back
but damn man... that fucking blooowws
hope you can work something out to get back out there
Posts: 818
Karma: 7,015
i have to pay a fine to get it back... and i tried the do you know who i am but it didnt work
Posts: 32
Karma: 14
thata bitch is a stupid fucking dike with a redwood turned sidways up her fucking dike ass
Posts: 4705
Karma: 496
Hahaha. I got my pass pulled for the season "skiing too fast." I tried fighting it but theres no use, everyone who works at the place is a braindead pawn completely unable of seeing something from someone elses perspective.
Posts: 12727
Karma: 856
that dude was a dick...he was claiming everyone had "bad attitudes", even kids who were just trying to ask questions and he wouldn't answer them. good thing it's all on film too. fuckin safety patrol and cunt ass lifties.
Posts: 898
Karma: 44
i agree. i hated the people at park city too. most lifties get paid $50 for each pass they pull and $25 for each ticket they pull. it happened to my little sister and some bitchy lifty pulled her ticket because she didn't have a "queens cup voucher" to get into the express lane.Â
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
You could've just gone through the line. If you've ever been a lifty you would know how much of a pain in the ass people like you are. I'll cut deals for people I know, but if a person does something stupid while doing a simple task like getting onto a lift I don't cut any slack. It isn't that hard to do, and being an ass about it certainly won't help you out. If anything, just apologize profusely (even if you don't mean it) and the consequences for being a jackass won't be as high.
Posts: 4987
Karma: 345
i don't know how it works in PC, but lifties in Mammoth get $20 in their paycheck for every pass they pull with good reason. most lifties are poor as hell, and Alyssa F or whatever her name was might have made enough money to buy food for the month. she was just doing her job, meng. your fault.
Posts: 4578
Karma: 2,512
yeh the lines were pretty long today, kinda weak she didnt give you a warning
Posts: 1250
Karma: 113
Fucking shit...I was with schlopy. we get it back on tuesday but that shit is whack. Alicia Fuck didn't even see me snake into fast tracks..with help from the toaster, but she walks over just to see if she can fuck some people over and picks me. Fuck that bitch, I don't care if she's doing her job ...sorry for cursing but I am irate
Posts: 8602
Karma: 539
Haha, at least the lifty was fuckin smokin'. It made the situation so good when the guy called up a sled, and this hot chick is driving it and we all go "I'd let her escort me down" or something, and it was obviously pissing the "Safety Patroller" off way more.
Dude was a dick. His name was Doug Flint, and I hate him.
Posts: 1482
Karma: 5,659
^hahaha yea, chick was madd hott
Posts: 3936
Karma: 4,260
guys was such a dick. got some real funny video of him tho. we saw him at the top of the park again and he wouldnt even look over at us.
Posts: 12727
Karma: 856
doug was mad shook obviously
Posts: 1510
Karma: 10
...they do run the place...
it was a mess there today.
Posts: 707
Karma: 45
They do run the place. They pay $600+ a night for lodging or own pricey real estate in the town. Oh wait...do you think you run the place??? some kid who is a good skier that hangs out in the park? gimme a fuckin break buddy. who do you think the resort is going to side with? The people who drop $1000 on a meal with their families, or some kid who mouths off to those people? some of you brats need a lesson in how life works.
and to the kid who said "do you know who I am?" who the fuck are you... another punk kid who thinks he owns the place because he can pretzel a rail. dont pull that shit on someone who is making $6.50 an hour b/c it gives them much more reason to be a dick to you.
Posts: 1250
Karma: 113
In my case tho I was waiting in the fast tracks que for about 5 minutes waiting on schlopy and ty. I could have gone which means she never saw me snake in there. So after taking schlopy's pass she turns to me and then countless others
Posts: 12727
Karma: 856
yea no shit they're going to side with the older rich people, but who said we're the one's mouthing off to them. good assumption man. i really hate when people do that, most of the time the rich old people are the ones who start mouthing off in the first place. maybe you need a lesson in how to not assume that any kid in the park is a "brat" and an asshole.
Posts: 6853
Karma: 816
well the park usually makes up for it.
Posts: 16030
Karma: 151
thats fucked that the lifties etc have a cash incentive to take passes...
they just need to be in a bad mood and you could be fucked.
Posts: 7485
Karma: 396
Posts: 61836
Karma: 125,512
Dude its your own damn fault you got your pass pulled. Cutting in the line that you're not suppose to use is a pretty legit reason for you to get your pass pulled, people pay like 1000 bucks for that express line (season pass) and prob 200 a day during pres weekend and shit. Stop bitching that lifties are doing their job and you're just a shit head.
Posts: 9529
Karma: 20,654
Dont fucking talk to me like your my superior, "buddy".
Maybe "run the place" wasnt the correct phrase. I meant more to say
that people in PC (adults) have a sense of "superiority" over others,
especially the younger population.
But you completely missed what i was trying to say. Im not talking about the RESORT, im talking about the PEOPLE at the resort
And did i ever say/imply that I ran the place? NO.
Do you really think tourists "run the place" just because they spend 600 dollars a night? Sure, they pay to be there, but just because they spend tons of money doesnt give them the right to ask like demeaning assholes to everyone. I've had several encounters with adults acting like immature 12 year olds. I'm just fed up with it.
But, this is all in response to what i can understand from your argument. It seems like you can barely put together a coherent sentence.
"dont pull that shit on someone who is making $6.50 an hour b/c it gives them much more reason to be a dick to you. " what the hell does that even mean?
Posts: 8602
Karma: 539
Hey Radoskier.... I think you're a clown. Steve owned you....
And actually I've been told on several different occasions by instructors or patrollers that they're not supposed to give park skiers a hard time. He said we're a pretty big source of money for PC. I was dumbfounded until he went on to day that around Christmas break and vacation time normally it's the kid's that decide where to go. When you have kids who all they see if PC in movies, that's where there'll go, and bring there families, and spend tons of money.
You're a dumbass and need to read a little closer next time. Don't put words in people mouths.
Posts: 7016
Karma: 187
i hiked pinecone ridge.
Posts: 12727
Karma: 856
welp, seems like the point of all this ranting has gone over your head. nice work reading idiot.
Posts: 7016
Karma: 187
haha Jeff
but for real, i'm glad i got on here and read this. i hate how this stuff happens, and when i hear about it, i get unhappy. sorry guys. good luck.
Posts: 7485
Karma: 396
er I got the ranting... and sure the east coast might have less rich asshole skiers and less douchebag lifties, but at the end of the day you guys still get to hit sick ass parks and ride tons of pow while will push our piles of sleet into small mounds we like to call jumps, then let it turn to solid ice so we can skate on them the next day when it's freezing ass cold
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
It doesn't work that way at all, at least not around here. At Moonlight we get an incentive to report hotlisted tickets/passes, but by no means do they tell us to go around ripping passes off. I have yet to turn somebody with a valid pass away from the lift this year and I don't intend to. If you go around pulling passes just because you're in a bad mood it's bad for business and you get fired. I know you like to ignore this fact, but lifties don't want to any extra work, and I'd much rather let somebody go unless they are:
a)being a dick
b) doing something I've specifically told them not to do, or
c) disobeying clearly marked rules that only require common sense.
The thread creator has made somebody's mediocre job into a bad one by being an unecessary nuisance and deserved to get their pass pulled. You need to realize that on a busy day nobody wants to deal with you, and if they have to they're going to take care of the problem in the quickest and most effective way possible.
Posts: 16030
Karma: 151
yah i know what you are getting at..if there is GOOD REASON, there is no issue with passes being pulled..
A couple of people further up the page mentioned that at their resorts, the staff get $$ for pulling passes, which could definitely send a mixed message to the public.
All in all, there is no reason to have your pass pulled if you ski with common sense and obey the rules!
Posts: 3443
Karma: 2,299
Ya some of the people in PC are boners. Like this tourist today was trying to tell me what to do and where to go in the lift line and so I just ignored cause I didn't want to start shit with him and he started freakin at me(tourists really do think they run the place).
As for the lift attendents...All I do is every time I come down I give them a high five and it seems like they all pretty much love me. Like whenever they scan your pass and poo, just say thanks and they'll like you...unless there douches
Posts: 1515
Karma: 1,715
your a moron... have u ever been there so how would u know?
Posts: 8602
Karma: 539
Yeah... don't talk shit. EVERY one of us came from the Eastcoast or in my case, the Midwest. PA, VT, IN, OH, ME....
And we're not bitching about the terrain one bit... it's fucking sick.... we're bitching about the assholes that try to regulate everything, and have massive power boners.
Posts: 61836
Karma: 125,512
Well dude you're skiing at a world class resort that get 1000 of tourists a week, and they are always going to be different ass holes from florida, so just learn to deal with it. Big sky gets mad gapers too and sure, they suck, but just deal with it they aren't going to change. Just ignore them, or hell even be nice to them, and they'll be nice back and won't be huge douches. And if worst comes to worst and you can't deal with it, then go back to your home town or whatever because as much as you bitch and moan, nothing will change.
Posts: 1515
Karma: 1,715
heath ur also a complete idiot. i've witnessed several situations at park city where adult skiers have been complete dicks. Its kind of difficult to ignore gapers when you ask them politely to please not stand on landings of jumps, because you could land on their heads, and they go tell ski patrol that you threatened them. Then they percist to take your pass...
Posts: 818
Karma: 7,015
alright dude she made some money but fucked me over. I figured it wouldnt cause much harm if i could get through the lift faster to catch up with my team and ski the upper mountain the rest of the day. And you know what? i do own the fucken place.
Posts: 61836
Karma: 125,512
I've skied at PC during spring break, i know how it is. And seriously, the last thing to do is start bitching at them or whatever, because in their eyes they are #1 because they paid mad bills to be there. The best thing to do is just to stay outa the way and if you don't fuck with them, you should be alright.
Posts: 818
Karma: 7,015
dude i have read threads specificaly made for how much of a faggot dick head you are so shut your mouth foo.
Posts: 4032
Karma: 469
I dont understand what the problem is. Sounds like you guys are completly at fault.
1. Dont go in the express lane.
2. Dont jump fences.
3. Dont be lippy.
4. Dont bitch if you get your pass taken for your own actions.
4 steps to better skiing.
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
If one person does it, everybody starts doing it. People are like sheep.
Also, it sounds like you didn't learn a thing from that incident. If you're not going to learn from it then quit whining because we all know it's going to happen again. It's a fairly easy decision (or at least I think it is): Wait a couple minutes in line, or wait a few weeks to ski again. It's kind of overwhelming for me to think that people actually have to think about that one, but somehow it doesn't surprise me that much. You do own the mountain, after all.
Posts: 818
Karma: 7,015
i have lived here my whole life... my family is practically the real estate buisness here... i pay for my ticket to. I tried to cut the line once and was nice to the lady. i get screwed.
Posts: 2929
Karma: 12
so true, the rich old people are so pissy
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