Replying to Help looking for fat skis
The last 4/5 seasons ive been riding line skis I started out with "Mike nick pros" with the red bases and the tree graphic. They were and awesome skis and held up great for the 2 seasons I was riding them. When I replaced them I decided line was sturty and a good skis so I decided on the Original Invaders. They were good last season and felt generaly fine nothing AMAZING about them though. This season because of weight lifting I have gained 22 pounds and the skis have just seem to of lost all "pop" and dont seem to give back what I put into them as far as responce like they once did. Also the invaders seem to chip easy and the clear top sheep that protects the graphics and is more like a shell has started to peel away. I was pretty pissed about that. Now I want to get rid of them. I used to mainly ski park and pipe. Now I still skis both alot but like to ski trees alot more and go on more trips out west. I figure I should get a fat twin tip that way I can still ride the park and pipe but beable to be more comfortible in the powder and trees. I also think the fater skis will be more stable and acomidate my extra 22pounds. since my Invaders "broke down " on me I'm skeptic on getting line skis again. I was hoping for some review and help finding a fat pair of skis that will hold up. Thanks for reading.
Hight: 6'4
Weight: 195 Pounds
Body type : Ecto
Ski: Park, pipe/ trees, Powder
Bindings: Look Jib blue
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