I feel you, on my way to Mammoth I got my third speeding ticket in a 4 month span. I was extremely pissed off because it was late and I saw the spd limit sign saying 35mph, so I think I'm golden and I'm doing 35-40, then a cop pulls me over, and I forgot to put the registration sticker on my car so I'm like, oh, I'm really sorry officer, the registration sticker is in my glove box, I'll put it on right now, and he gives me a strange look and asks me why I was driving so fast. I was like, what? And he says I was doing double the speed limit, and I was like, hell no I was not going 60 mph through town, and he says, "the speed limit through town is 25mph." I feel like an idiot because apparently for three blocks or something retarded like that through Bishop it is. So I'm just going to show up on the court date and hope the cop isn't there, and if so, shell out another $200. Your best bet, go to court, see if you can get it lowered, or see if you can pay it off in payments.