Replying to Words of Wisdom !!!!
This is an extract from an Aussie ski mag (powderhound). Take time to contemplate the meaning of free-ride; its not about the hard core image or the brands etc... but just focusing on two words 'free' and 'ride'.
If the words of Rage Against the Machine were to really ring true for everyone, “Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” – by which they mean fuck you I won’t think and there-fore act the way you are trying to influence me, we would all be living free.
Think about those people who genuinely live that way, who won’t do what they’re told by government and advertising, they are the genuine coolest people. If Ghandi, Buddha or Martin Luther King had been skiers, they would have been the coolest skiers ever to carve a turn, because they wouldn’t be trying to sell you an image with it.
Don’t grovel to the punk aristocracy. Some of those guys are telling you who to be, how to be and how to act in the same way that you’ve always hated when teachers or your parents or your boss told you who to be. Be you, be who you are, don’t be who you think you should be because of some ad. If you buy the gear that a ski-punk aristocrat wears because it works, good. If you buy it because you want to be like him – get your own life. If you aspire to do what your hero does that’s cool. If you aspire to be who he is as a person, if you get sucked in by that image: Loser. Don’t buy into the cult of the personality; don’t believe what the ski punk aristocracy, Osama Bin Laden, John Howard, George Bush or anyone else tells you. You’re a free-minded freerider. Do it and think it for yourself, then believe in it.
'Answer these 7 questions for eternal life'
1.If a singer sings their own song during a karaoke party, is it considered karaoke?
2.If conjoined twins participate in sports, do they count as one or two players?
3.Can fat people go skinny-dipping?
4. After eating, do amphibians have to wait an hour before getting out of the water?
5.Why is it called a 'building' when it is already built?
6.What color would a smurf turn if you choked it?
7.If the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?
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