Hmm, I have a good argument to this, well, first of all, Weed isnt a drug that can fuck up ur life, it really wont do shit to ur body, maybe u have a low % chance of getting some kinda lung disease, but a case of that hasnt been recorded yet. My mother and father both smoked weed a lot at our age, and i smoke weed, I live in a millionaire family with brilliant parents, i still occassionaly find a sack in my dads droor. Artist, u think ur so smart and perfect applying for this awsome job and u think ur gonna make bank,think again bud. remember that you fucked up, because on your way to making a lot of money, you are WORKING FOR SOMEONE, and as long as you are WORKING FOR SOMEONE AND NOT INVESTING AND BEING SMART ABOUT YOUR TIME LIKE EVERY 40 YR OLD REALIZES HE SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT THE DAY HE TURNS 50. Quit bragging about your education, your possiblely decent job, and get a clue. realisticly you really cant say that you are better than anyone on this site, because there are some IDIOTS here, that will somehow be bright enough do become multi millionaires, ski the rest of their life, smoke as much weed and drink as much booze as they want; my cousins did this, and so did my grandparents, and they would laugh at you, retired with not really that much money after hating your engineering job career.
so dont talk shit, because you really dont know what the fuck your talking about, u ignorant pansy ass brainwashed fuck.