Replying to Can anyone help me wih 3's? I wanna get them down realllly bad
well, I know 3's are nothing to most of you, but its my first time ever trying park, and my first year on twin tips. Ive got 143cm Line Chronics, Theyre a bit short on me, but ive always liked skiing on short ones. I can get decent air and clear decent size jumps. I can 180 really easy now, Ya i know its nothing, but hey its my first year and I gotta start somewhere,. Ive tried a few 3's off a small jump, and I got like 300 degrees, flailed like crazy and didnt land them, so Im gonna try again. Any tips on prewinding? How much air I need to be geting them? How many tries it took you to get them down? and how do you focus? Im not afraid of falling, but as I get up to the lip I just get nervous and forget what Ive been told and start to just like flail once I start going. Thanks, Ian
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