Everything Iggy said was money. And yes, you are retarded for being so self centered. So you ski down the slope fine, the kid behind you triggers something, has a beacon, but what good would that beacon do? Its a body locator now, not a rescue beacon.
Like i said, Iggy was on the money 100%. just change one thing.
thats the way id put it. first off, if you had the right knowledge, you wouldnt get caught in an avalanche. given, thats just silly in most cases. accidents do happen, people arnt going to be experts on avalanches from the get go. then get a beacon, a probe, a shovel. buy soem books on that shit. it helps. take classes. just like what iggy said, your shortcutting your way around the issue.
and if you trigger a big slide. like...biig slide. that thing wont keep you above it. im a fan of them, dont get me wrong, but its NO excuse for not using a beacon.
They keep your body on TOP of the snow, dosnt promise which direction your face is going to be laying. imagine, your back is above the snow, your face...buried in only inches. people die getting buried in only a foot of snow.
just be smart and go spend the money of a quality beacon, or even shitty for that matter, at least youd have one.
And if you have mad bank to pay for a beacon, get the Mammut Barryvox Pulse. brand new concept, and its ridiculous. on the screen, it has crosshairs and pinpoints your friends positions, also has their pulse, so you can know how close they are to losing it. costs some bank, but for saving lifes, and your own, its no question.