As you can already tell by now I am a bit right of center on
the political spectrum, or maybe that is an under statement.
I have noticed that we conservatives and liberals are always pretty quick
to share our opinion when a sensitive topic that relates to liberal vs.
conservative points of view occurs, but do we do that because we don't know
each other, so why care? But then why do some of us put so much effort
into instilling our beliefs in those threads with each reply?
If we are with friends and someone says something ignorantly liberal or
conservative do you correct them or just let it go? To tell you the truth I
usually always let it go. However we go through so much effort on
this forum trying to inform people about the wrongs of their political belief,
even when we don't even know the person at the other end of the argument.
So then why don't we go through the effort of trying to inform a close friend
about something that they are considering in their argument which would nullify
their political opinion?
Is it because society has deemed it a social taboo and that it is better to
leave the person be and let them find out on their own? I guess I could
say I feel that way, but does anyone else do the same thing and not even bother
most of the time?
I guess this thread probably isn't the best place to put it yet alone on this
kind of site, but hopefully the minority outweighs the majority if you know
what I mean.