Replying to LEDs
So i recently bought a set of old 1080's, the spaceframe ones for really really cheap brand new. So i threw on a pair of old bindings and now i have these 181s laying in my room. So i was thinking maybe i could mount some LED's on them, mainly because i absolutely love LED's and also because they are small enough to plausibly fit on a ski. I figured i would mount a box with some watch batteries under the boot since their is a small gap, and i see no problem with this. Now comes the question that i pose for the all knowing members of how would i mount regular 5mm LEDs on my skis, could i mount them (router slightly into the ski so they are nearly flush) or should i just use surface mount LED's which wouldnt be as bright but wouldnt be as intrusive either. I essentially want a normal looking ski that i can flip a switch and light the bugger up.
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