OKAY HERE'S HOW TO GET IT TO WORK ON PC'S (I don't know about macs)
1. go to utorrent.com
2. Click on Downlaoad tab to the right of home tab
3. Click get utorrent 1.6 standalone
4. download it wherever you want
5. set up utorrent.
6. click on this link
7.open the above torrent and wait for it to download.
8. extract all the files in the i doser folder
9. open the folders until you get to the one that has i doser with a green chemical looking thing icon
10. In the bottom left click open dose
11. Find the file or folder where the i doser program was, and there should be a folder called Doses.
12. Pick which one you want, click it, then click start dose.
Hope that works. I'm doing cocaine right now but not sure if it's doing anything