Instructions: You may submit either your original tape, or a copy of the action sports clip on a separate tape. Please remember we are not responsible for lost, damaged, or misdirected tapes, so if your tape is very valuable to you, you should send us a copy and not the original. You may submit more than one action sports clip on a single videocassette. Please try to keep your 'takes' less than 1 minute in length, don't use any music, and don't include any brand name products in your shots. You may include as many takes as you'd like on your tape. Please try to cue the video cassette up to the pertinent part. Make sure you print, complete, sign and include the Submission Form (pdf 80k) with each submission you send to 54321. Any material submitted without a properly completed and signed Submission Form will not be reviewed or considered for inclusion on our show.
I could only send it if I got rid of the music and any brand name stuff. So if I film it without skis and i wear a burlap bag I guess it would work.
FARP Trailer
'Simply put: Greatest Trailer Ever'- Resnick13