So I just got back from Walgreens after being rejected of buying some Nyquill (sp?(Cough Syrup for those who don't know)). Heres the story...
My mom has been sick all day and didn't have any left and asked me to get it for her. So I drive over to Walgreens and grab some off the shelf. I am waiting in line to purchase it and the kid in front of me who is 17 and a junior in high school just like me asks to get a pack of cigs. The lady gives him the cigs without any questions and I go up to the counter to buy the Nyquill and the clerk asked how old I was. I was like "17". And I look the same age wise as the kid in front of me or older. She then said "sorry, I can't sell you this. If I did I could get into trouble."
So here I am now, shot down from buying cough syrup for my sick mother.
What the fuck is up with age restrictions these days?
It's not like I was going to go drink the entire bottle of cough syrup to get "high". If I wanted to some funky feelings I would have just gone to the guy on the street corner selling shrooms...
What are the age restrictions in Canada my fellow Canadians? How about Europe?
Bottom line, Age restrictions on cough syrup is BS.