Replying to Goggles Foging INSIDE the maybe?
Ok so today i went riding, it was pretty much like any other day. I go outside with my googles on my eyes to put on my skis. Something is fucked. My gogs start to fog , but not on the outside or the inside, but on the inside the double lens. I was like WTF. So i ski with them a little bit just to see if it will go away, but it only gets worse. ( these were wisdoms with a black iridiom lens). Now, i go inside to switch to a pair if o-frames with the black iridiom lens, but i wait to put them on outside. The same fucking shit happens, but they are not as bad to i ride with them.
Now its the afternoon, and its a little hotter, so i go to swtich my gogs again back to the Wisdoms. Now i did the same thing i did with the 0-frames, just put them on outside. they fog up a little bit, but not as much as before. I have no idea whats going on at all. They were not on my head at all during the day, and if it helps it was a bit warmer in the afternoon. They did fog up yesterday because i was hiking the park, but they were fine at the end of the day.
So are my goggles fucked, or am i just doing something wrong.
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