Here's the skinny on the public park:
First section, next to private pipes: C-Box on the left, curving to the right. Normal fun-box on right.
Then: Hip on right side (right below sms t-bar)
Next: Three jibs: far left is the rainbow box, in the middle up-flat box and on the left 20 foot flat bar (all in the public park during the winter)
And then: Three more jibs: uh...i forget, but some sort of box on the right. flat up flat box in the middle (set up so its more down up down, kinda sick) and then the rainbow with a flat top (shot-gun) on the right. and on the left the modified rainbow from the hard core park (rainbow flat rainbow).
Finaly: hip on the left.
Oh yeah, and the pipe is where it has always been.
''I didn't wanna fuck that kid in the ass 'cuz I'm a fag, I just wanted to let him know that he's a bitch!'' -LOKA$H