dude, you gotta respect all aspects of skiing, no matter how crazy, or mellow they are. if you want to hate, hate the haters out there that bitch about everyone that sux at being what you think a skier should be. personally, i dont race alpine, but i do race xc. i find that the skiers that ski more aspects of the sport are better, and generally more accepting of people that suck, because they know that everyone starts somewhere. if you want to be a better skier, try more of the things that skiing has to offer like: newschool skiing, urban, alpine racing, xc racing, xc park(yes it exists), telemark, backcountry, ski alpinism, jumping, nordic combined, moguls, aerials, biathlon(ski with guns), skijoring(xc with dogs), base jump skiing, ski hang gliding, kite skiing, hut to hut skiing, and touring. really, be more open minded, you cant call yourself a real skier until you can ski it all.