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What should I do with my life!
Posts: 7863
Karma: 22
I'm a senior, and I have no idea what I want to do next year. All I want to do is ski and make money, and not take it to seriously. There's so much pressure on me to make a decision, and it's driving me crazy.
Posts: 6680
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The first thing you need to do is chill out.
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
you gota decide whether or not you want to go immediately to college or just to college period. Then, if you go to college, you don't have to think about the rest of your life until junior year or so.
Posts: 6476
Karma: 294
honestly dude i dont know for sure either. i wanna get into film real bad but i just dont have the money. i also wanna be a paramedic which i applied for but i probably wont be able to take it cause they want me to have my F class liscence by august 1st....which im not going to have. so im provbably going to take a year off and work (if they dont let it slide for me to get my F) and then go to a film school the following year
Posts: 6436
Karma: 109
im going to college so i can make mucho moulah so i can go skiing
Posts: 1716
Karma: 16
good luck with that, if you want mucho bank just outa college you have to go to work full time... that means noski4u.
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Posts: 4005
Karma: 38
I used to have a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do, until last night when I realized that I had forgotten to turn in a folder that contained all the shit from our entire health course, which leaves my grades boned to the max, so now I'm seriously fucked and I cant think about it cause all I have to do is get A's through high school. Its like a round of golf, where you realize after 4 holes that you have to birdie out to have a decent round, except this shit stays with you.
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im in the same situation.... ski, that's your answer
Posts: 7167
Karma: 94
Im gunna take a year off and work, Get a nice appartment right downtown with some homies.
Posts: 3173
Karma: 62
ever seen the big lebowski? seems to be a pretty solid life
Posts: 14
Karma: 10
most school have regular trips to local mountains so even if you do end up going then you can still ski :)
Posts: 3488
Karma: 11
eat some shrooms. you'll think waay better.
Posts: 1275
Karma: 20
Ever think of working in the ski industry? Or snowboard industry? It's really what I've had on my mind a lot lately. And there are a lot of things you can chose from and love.
Posts: 811
Karma: 16
dont make a descision under preasure or you will end up not doing something you truely want to
give it a little time, take a break and it will come to you!
Posts: 1275
Karma: 20
don't take a break.. becuse getting back to school will be harder,.
Posts: 811
Karma: 16
u dont kno wut ur talking about ;P^^ being away from school shows u how boreing life truely is and after a year or 2 ur dieing to get back into the swing of things..
ive been off for half a year and im wanting to apply somewhere for next year cuz im SOOO bored
PLUS then u can work and make some moolah
Posts: 1275
Karma: 20
are you kidding! don't even listen to him. he has nothing to show for it. NOTHING. no moolah. no cash moneaay. and life isn't boring when you find something to do that you love.
Posts: 811
Karma: 16
but i do have a like 2500$ drum kit,.. ALOT of nights of great partying and drinking and like 3 pairs of 1000$ ski setups :P AND my suits, dope 686pants and pimpt boots,
so if ur saying that shit wasnt taking 6 months to work and buy
then whatever
have fun in school kiddo
Posts: 1275
Karma: 20
school= good job= good pay
which means you woulda hand money to pay for the stuff, plus extra in the future if you were in schoool.
Posts: 1275
Karma: 20
wait.. that came out sorta wrong.. :\
Posts: 811
Karma: 16
ok w.e
but then again i went to school, graduated, havent gone to uni, and im making as much as a teacher does ;P
so that can tide me over till i figure out what i really wanna do., and a good plan on making that happen.
Posts: 1275
Karma: 20
k you get credits for that. ? :)
well being in school i make nada and live off my parents. and thats good enough for me at the moment. :)
Posts: 1625
Karma: 40
^wow, stop mooching and live your life. you sound like a highschool freshman who doesn't know shit about the real world.
Posts: 1275
Karma: 20
^ lol. im 16 :P how else am i supposed to sound like. and it's not knowing shit.. its about doing someting with your life.
Posts: 1625
Karma: 40
^doing what? Whatever your parents tell you to do? Did it ever occur to you that a college education isn't necessary to be sucessfull? My uncle dropped out of highschool and is now a millionaire with 2 houses, a cabin, and a cottage on lake michigan. As long as you're doing something you enjoy and excell at your formal education is completely irrelevant. If you want a job where you sit at a desk typing all day go to college. Shit, hundreds of thousands of people do. And ten years later what do they have to show for it? A mortgage, an average car, a kid, maybe a divorce or two, debt up to thier eyeballs. If thats the life you want be like everybody else and go to whatever college you want and get a business major. If you want to acually do something with your life follow your heart, and never lose sight of your dreams.
Posts: 1275
Karma: 20
^ Recieving an education. Certain things you do have to go to university for, and you do have to study your ass off but it pays off. Sure your uncle was one of the lucky ones then. But there are many that don't go far without an education. A lot of people return to college or university to get their degrees. I want nothing to do with mooching off my parents when I'm older. They're here now when I need them. What I want to become isn't really relevant to this, but if you must know- an oncologist. Or specialize in some other sort of medicine. I find it fascinating, and maybe someday you'll see my PhD. :) And I agree with the "follow your heart, and never lose sight of your dreams." It'll keep you going and you'll have a sincere sense of passion for whatever you finally complete.
Posts: 1792
Karma: 34
yeah that's a load of crap. I've heard that from so many people, and not a single one has been able to come up with a good excuse as to why it makes it harder. I went to college right after high school, hated what i was doing, and left after the first year. I'm now halfway through my year off, and it was the best decision I've ever made in my entire life. I've been able to go traveling a lot, and I've grown up a lot from being on my own. Taking a year off has made me want to go to school more, because i'm now positive that i'd never want to end up working a shitty retail job for the rest of my life. Now I'm actually excited to go to college (doing a 2 year diploma in photojournalism, which can be accredited to a communications degree, which will take another 2 years). If i'd just gone straight into this nex degree, i'm not sure i would have been able to finish it because i needed this break to figure out what I wanted.
Posts: 1625
Karma: 40
And how many kids go to college and burn out after their freshman year? I'm not saying college is a bad decision, obviously if you want to become a doctor or an engineer a highschool diploma isn't gonna cut it I'm just saying that YOU DON'T NEED A COLLEGE DEGREE TO EXCEL IN LIFE. And I don't give a flying fuck what you want to be nor do I care to see your phd if and when you get it. All I want is for the kid who started this thread to know that he can do whatever he wants in life as long as he works for it.
Posts: 899
Karma: 13
So many people say things like this and end up going nowhere. Yeah, you can be lucky and make it in life without a degree but the chances are far slimmer now than they ever have been. Back when your uncle grew up, college was a far less important part of life and more of a privledge than it is now. College has nearly become the new highschool and its value is much higher in todays technology driven age. Go to college man, don't listen to people like this guy who are too lazy to put in the work so they cling to the fact that one person they know got rich without an education. I'm not gonna deny that you need to do what you love, but you can find many things that you love while you're in college. And yeah, you may end up working a desk job, but its better than working at sear's or mcdonalds like this guy probably will.
Posts: 1792
Karma: 34
yeah, I'm gonna agree with this. The way I look at it, go to college and study something you're interested in. After you graduate, do whatever you want to do, go off and travel, move to a ski town and be a ski bum for a few years, just because you go out and get a degree doesnt mean you're automatically stuck in a cubical for the rest of your life upon graduation. I'm not at all interested in having an office job, and most likely i'll travel and try my hand at freelance work making VERY little money, but having a blast. At the same time, i know that when i get older, what I want from life will probably change, and I may find that my degree will help me get the job I want. Sure you COULD be successful without a degree, but my advice would be to go to college eventually. why limit yourself by not going to college or university at some point?
Posts: 1625
Karma: 40
^ not to be rude, but fuck you. Do you know anything about me? I just graduated highschool a semester early doing pratically nothing my senior year cause I did enough shit early on so I'd be set. All generaliztions are false, numbnuts. Just because alot of people who don't go to college give up doesn't mean everyone does. YOUR MISSING THE FUCKING POINT!!! I'm telling this kid to do whatever he loves most in life because it will be the most rewarding. God damn, your pissing me off. Sorry to be rude, but you seem to be too fucking oblivious to understand the point I was trying to make.
I apologize for the profanity and disrespect but calling me a lazy kid who's going to work at McDonalds when you have no fucking clue who I am is a slap in the face and I don't appreciate it.
Posts: 1792
Karma: 34
^yeah, uh, i'm guessing that was for the guy above me since he's the one who mentioned working at mcdonalds, and if it actually was for me, then YOU mininterpreted my post. I wasnt saying that everyone who doesn't go to college ends up a loser. And i'm DEFINITELY not saying that you need to have a lot of money to be happy. All I was saying is that I'd rather go to college and study something i'm interested in, because in the long run, I feel it's better to have more options open to you, and you cant deny that going to college gives you more options. Having said that, if you'd read my post before that, I also said that it's a huge mistake to go to college if you dont really want to, and that's where I agree with you.
Posts: 1625
Karma: 40
^ def for the guy above you, it took awhile to type.
Posts: 14
Karma: 10
honestly do what you want to be happy cause that's what matters in the end. If you seriously do not want to be at uni then you'll most likly be unhappy and flunk out. Take a year off if you need to find yourself etc. But do what's right for you and not someone else
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
I'm in pretty much the same situation. I'd pretty much given up on skiing for a carrer but it's starting to look like that might work out now. I got some shit to work on though
Posts: 815
Karma: 16
smoke weed, chill, and be happy
Posts: 11295
Karma: 502
Well going to college isn’t a bad idea. Might as well do it, and not stress it nor get burned out. Enjoy it. Find an area that’s appealing (and there are tons of areas, more than most think) and get done with it. It could help you figure out what you want, plus it gives a little under your belt. You don't necessarily need it to succeed, and way too many people (especially those minds being warped in high school) put way too much of an emphasis on it, like it dictates their lives. But in a world where college is becoming a standard, it is more of a requisite than in the past. You can still ski a shitload. I can pretty much ski everyday that I want, despite having school. It’s a good tradeoff.
Posts: 1275
Karma: 20
Well if you don't know what you want to do, then taking a year off or howmuch time isn't a bad thing. It does give you time to decide on what you want to do, and you won't be rushed into anything.
Posts: 899
Karma: 13
where in my post did i tell this guy to not do what he loves? If i remember correctly I told him to do just that. I'm totally for doing whatever is best for you in your life. I'm just tired of seeing people, including some of my best friends, waste there lives away because people like you tell them that they can rich without a degree. It may be possible, but no one should rely on anything with such low odds. I'm just telling this guy to be smart and get ahead in life by making the best decisions, rather than just hoping for the best, which based on your post, seemed like what you were espousing.
Posts: 11976
Karma: 296
im going to elaborate on a reference made above.
Senior year is like the tour championship. Your striving for that gold jacket. You have the front 9, and the back 9. the front 9 you need to play well, but if you mess up you still have the back to catch up on. However, once those first 9 holes are done, you have a really good idea where your sitting. Then the back 9 kicks in. You pull out out your 7 iron. Over shoot into the bushs. drop. duff the chip and your already shooting 4 on the short par 3. You manage to send the ball home in 2 putts, leaving yoruself a double bogey. Now you really gotta catch up. How are you going to win the tour championship if you cant beat Tangbo Hong?
ok i dont know where i was going with this,
just try hard and dont screw up.
Posts: 7167
Karma: 94
Word! im at that point right where im deciding to take a year off. Find some time to figure out what I really wanna do in college. move out with some homies, do some livin.
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
nobody honestly knows for sure...im in college in automotive, and i know i don't want to do this as my carreer. The only way to know is to go and try stuff out, and don't do that year off bullshit. Get somesort of education like apprentiship, college, university, work....anything. A year sitting on your ass, or travelling is not really going to solve your problems yo.
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dude you could always go to a college like western or colorado mountain. if you can't do that (or don't want to), find a simple job near a hill until you figure shit out
Posts: 743
Karma: 31
Be a fire fighter they make hella money and you dont need to go to college
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