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Why my life currently kicks ass...
Posts: 61838
Karma: 125,553
Well to sum it up in a short list, my life kicks ass right now because:
1. I graduated from highschool at semester
2. I am currently on my new macbook pro i got for graduation and its amazing
3. I am in a very comfy chair in a hotel at the base of bigsky getting free internet
4. I get to work for 14 dollars an hour tomorrow
5. I can now ski up to 5 days a week
I could probably go on, and maybe list some negatives, but I won't.
Posts: 5536
Karma: -1
Sick dude, what are going to be doing up there for $14 an hour?
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
Why My life currently kicks ass:
1. I got into St Mikes yesterday
2. I bought a wicked comfy pair of sweatpants today
3. I got paid yesterday
4. I bought Salami/Proscuttio from Little Italy today (Boston)
5. I ran my first 5k this weekend and it was so much fun
Posts: 674
Karma: 16
Posts: 61838
Karma: 125,553
I'm a liftie at moonlight basin. It's funny because people right on the other side of the mountain at big sky make 8.50 an hour.
Posts: 5449
Karma: 20
why my life currently kicks ass:
1.my ballz itch
Posts: 1393
Karma: 12
i failed chemistry but to be honest i don't give a shit about that smoked a spliff all gone went skiing i'm fine i got a new macbook to
Posts: 74
Karma: 13
Posts: 1076
Karma: 378
Why my life currently kicks ass:
..your mother is sucking on my penis
Posts: 5449
Karma: 20
Posts: 61838
Karma: 125,553
Posts: 1045
Karma: 11
why mine kicks ass right now
i just got a 24
2partys coming up this weekend got a new hott girlfriend and soo far she is allsome
everything is perfect
Posts: 5536
Karma: -1
Sick dude, how much time do you get to ski though? And do you get free passes to both mountains?
Posts: 5536
Karma: -1
Sick dude, how much time do you get to ski though? And do you get free passes to both mountains?
Posts: 5449
Karma: 20
now if only i knew what your native language was it would be perfect. like seriously english cant be your primary language right? and im not trying to be a dick thats really sweet.
Posts: 1716
Karma: 16
you had to use the P word didntcha?
now your going to die in seven days.
Posts: 61838
Karma: 125,553
I get like 30-60 mins a day depending on how busy it is ect. And i get a free pass to moonlight and if i work all year i get 400 dollars off of my big sky pass which was like 550?
Posts: 1045
Karma: 11
hmm im on a laptop and i suck at typing on this thing cause the keys are like super small
Posts: 1045
Karma: 11
hmm im on a laptop and i suck at typing on this thing cause the keys are like super small
Posts: 5536
Karma: -1
Sounds like a sick deal me.
Posts: 8558
Karma: 512
whoooooooooh its my birfday i got figments and some skiing shirts, im getting my bl helm as soon as my brother gets his car back, and its snowing
Posts: 2261
Karma: 6,058
i wish mine did right now.....
at least its snowing.
Posts: 61838
Karma: 125,553
Yeah i was so stoked i landed the job, i had to sacrifice some early skiing time this year but its so worth it now. The only thing that would make this perfect was free wireless in my condo(friends moms actually but shes never there so its basically me and my friends) and a girl giving me a bj while im on the free wireless.
Posts: 8558
Karma: 512
yep snows good, i bet you wish it was ur birfday!!!!!!!
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
hahaha last friday night when i was piss drunk i dropped your name to some chick from montana. she didnt know you but i still ended up hooking up with her so i'll throw some credit your way
Posts: 11456
Karma: 634
Why my life is finally shaping up:
1. Snowed a foot of snow this weekend
2. Mountain is finally openeing more trails
3. Not failing chem
4. Have 23 credits and only need 21 to graduate and I'm a junior so I'm graduating after the first semester next year
5. Got a d50 for christmas
5. Just bought a new vx2100
6. Goin to mt snow next weekend
7. Snow expected for the next 2 weeks
8. My playlist just landed on dialated peoples
9. Just fooled about half the people that read this
Posts: 2827
Karma: 8
Posts: 6651
Karma: 1,286
look up it says gullable on the cieling
Posts: 5536
Karma: -1
Holy sickter...that is a sweet deal man, wish I knew someone with a condo at Bigsky that I could stay at.
Posts: 17806
Karma: 3,841
Posts: 4869
Karma: 20
Why my life is grrrrrreat!
- I just at some kellogs frosted flakes.
Posts: 1076
Karma: 378
and you need to first get a life and get OFFline and than come up to me and say that to my face. It was just a joke, but u had to act like you were someone important and say the "mature" comment. Damn i feel sorry for you.
Posts: 2827
Karma: 8
Posts: 8558
Karma: 512
Posts: 1518
Karma: 59
why my life cuurently sucks ass
1. i have a full week of mid-terms starting today.
Posts: 2827
Karma: 8
werd, i just had english and it was fuckin hard
Posts: 2923
Karma: 13
Posts: 3631
Karma: 27
30-60 minutes of skiing is like when your girlfreinds never given a handjob before. ain't no gettin off!
Posts: 6476
Karma: 294
-last class of this semester tomorrow
-after that, only 1 more semester left of my highschool life
-beat liberty city stories for my psp today
-hurt my ankle skateboarding for the 2nd time and am out for a while...driving me crazy
-parents think im 'not responsible enough' to take the car up to the slopes
-currently retardedly tired from working my ass off all weekend
-forget things really easily
Posts: 5449
Karma: 20
dude you said his mom was sucking on your cock.
and it was a joke kind of noitce what i said before, "1.my ballz itch"
Posts: 3483
Karma: 29
pros:1) I have a 3 day week, skiing on friday and wednesday
Posts: 3483
Karma: 29
pros:1) I have a 3 day week, skiing on friday and wednesday
Posts: 3483
Karma: 29
pros:1) I have a 3 day week, skiing on friday and wednesday
2) just
Posts: 3483
Karma: 29
pros:1) I have a 3 day week, skiing on friday and wednesday
2) just got
Posts: 3483
Karma: 29
pros:1) I have a 3 day week, skiing on friday and wednesday
2) just got blue
Posts: 3483
Karma: 29
pros:1) I have a 3 day week, skiing on friday and wednesday
2) just got blue jays
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
Hey Evan, I've been doing the same thing except all year! HA! Although it would be way cooler if we had snow; I still haven't skied at Moonlight on one of my days off.
Posts: 3483
Karma: 29
what the fuck my ciomputer sucks balls it just froze and I came on and THAT happened
Posts: 3483
Karma: 29
Posts: 4631
Karma: 726
why my life sucks ass right now
my dad is weird.
i suck at school.
i cant ski
my car broke down
oh yea i suck at shcool
Posts: 61838
Karma: 125,553
By sucking at school you really mean you don't care and don't try?
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