Puffy Productions presents a progressive ski movie entitled White Dreams, an Aaron Sternlicht film. Riders include Mike Wilson, Derek Klick, Alex Mackinnon, Liam Downey, Cameron Klick, and MANY more. Aside from throwing down on tables and boosting in the pipe these riders have one other thing in common...they are all Stratton locals. Watch as these skiers from the east throw it down in WHITE DREAMS. (Smaller parts also include Dave Crichton, Phil Belanger, Peter Olenick, Scott Hibbert, Emil Coty, Andy Woods...snowboarders Ross Powers, Shaun White, Kier Dillon, Danny Kass AND MANY MANY MANY more.) IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BUYING A COPY THEY COST $15.00. PLEASE EMAIL ME AT PUFFYSMP@AOL.COM AND WE CAN PROCEED FROM THERE. CURRENTLY NO TRAILER IS AVAILABLE. peace