Harvey's on the road to Whistler so I'm posting final results here. I'll post them in the proper place when Matt gets to Whis. Sorry for not getting an update after round 3. I tried to get it up, but there was communication difficulties bewteen Matt and myself. Anyway Congrats to all and thanks for playing. And everyone except for Gnar Kill and Team Ramrod 2, I SCHOOLED YOUR ASSES!
Gnar Kill 204
Team Ramrod 2 200
Ottawa rebel 193
Killer 189
Ottawa Renegades 175
grooveturkey 167
GoAvsGo 155
Browneyes 149
The Twenty-two Titans 147
Peura 142
LastNightISavedAnAngel 137
North American bigskia's 132
TML con_cept 125
team ramrod 1 120
little_freeriders 118
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The official NS brown-guy with the Matt Harvey seal of approval.
The official NS limo driver with the Matt Harvey seal of approval.