Replying to My world end theory
2012, as suggested by other thread.
Influenced by global warming drying up glaciers throughout europe, the continent will enter a state of drought, and will flee to the east, and to north america for safety.
In lieu of protecting our already faltering national resources, Canada, Mexico, and the US will launch repeated attacks on immigrant boats. This will happen by 2017
These boats sunk will cause a rebuttle from hardliners in former soviet states, which still ahve control of nuclear arms. Several will be armed in preperation for attack. Due to the insubordination in the joint cheifs, a nuclear attack will be launced as a protectionist strike, leading to full blown chaos, as well as nuclear contamination of water resources. This will happen by 2019
Due to limited water supply, a world civil war will begin to ensue, leading to massive deaths of numbers unknown, matched into this anarchistic state, lack of control on pollution will elad to full scale dumping of waste and acceleration of global warming. Warlord societies will form , maintaing control through stockpiles of weapons and transportation resources, primitve villages will fight for control between land and coastal waters. As numbers wane, and resource management begins to take standard societical places, warlord bands will revert to a tribal state of governance, moving into tribal council. However due to continued flow of those fleeing the warm climate of europe, into one only slightly cooler. Conflict will ensue till we reach a savage holding limit.
Similar events will occur as those pass through the middle east to travel to china, as border guards and civil conflict rage out in protest of travel through the ravaged area. Looting and protectionists will battle openly in the streets over food and water.
These events will persists for several hundred years until we are so dispersed that we learn to live eachother.
By this point, europe will likely be cooling down again by lack of conveyer belt activity, and those left can all go skiing.
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