Alright this should be better for everyone. the poll is in and according to the posts the most skied ski is Rossignol Scratch FS and Salomon 1080(12). No big surprise to me but I thought the intrest was a little low. anyways after them it was K2 PE(10), line 1260 and line skogen spranges(7), dynastar concepts and salomon pocket rockets(5), head mad trix and Armada AR5(4), line darkside and K2 setch pistols(3), Volkl V-Pro and line little big fats(2) and final we have line ghetto blasters, rossignol pow airs,fischer NT, volkl v-expression, rososignol free zb3,line mother ships, line ostness dragons, rossignol scratch bc, volkl v-legend, K2 Ak enemy's, line mike nick pro, volant machetes and salomon 1080 vinncint dorion pro(1)
Just say fuck it and huck it!