Replying to Post all of your fun little secrets
so last night i was informed of a couple new things.
1. Zooming In
a. press apple button plus option plus 8 (turns feature on)
b. press apple button plus option plus + to zoom in or - to zoom out. this doesn't just do the text, but the whole thing.
2. Full Screen in FC
In the manual, it said there was no full screen preview unless you had an external display. but theyr'e full of shit. press apple button plus f12 and it views it full screen. basically what it does is bring the viewer over everything else, so if you click it's as if you're clicking before it's full screened. simply press the same buttons or esc to get out
3. Apple Remote
I guess this isn't a secret, but if you have a remote that came with your comp you can use it to change songs in itunes when it's not even the application open. really handy if you're typing something or editing something and don't want to go back and forth, you can just skip. it's lazy but when i found that out i was so pumped.
I had more but forgot them.
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