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24... Twenty Four... XXIV
Posts: 2628
Karma: 25
Thats right ladies and gentlemen, the Jack Bauer Pauer Hauer is back back for the 6th time this Sunday night. It's going to be legit. Just spent Saturday 1 AM - Sunday 10 PM (on DVD the episodes are obviously shorter without the commercials) doing a season 3 marathon. We also did the 24 drinking game. You drink everytime someone says "Jack", "Bauer", or "CTU".
Who else is going to have a hard time getting by week to week this season?
Posts: 11976
Karma: 296
Posts: 6105
Karma: 248
i cant wait for the season premier, such an intense show
Posts: 1254
Karma: 16
Posts: 6943
Karma: 14
that show is so awesome it hurts to watch
Posts: 4210
Karma: 124
I hate 24 so much!! I have a whole theory on 24 and why it was made.
Posts: 835
Karma: 8
24 is the shit. Jack Bauer=my idol
Posts: 1918
Karma: 16
can you fit your whole fist in your mouth? cause it would be awesome if you could SHUT THE HELL UP!
Posts: 18901
Karma: 75
I've never seen any of the other seasons. Hopefully jumping in this late in the game won't be a problem.
Posts: 1252
Karma: 32
that show is fucking sick. i cant wait
Posts: 6105
Karma: 248
Posts: 102
Karma: 10
Can you say alcohol poisoning?
Posts: 2930
Karma: 166
^Thats what I was thinking
Posts: 21102
Karma: 8,570
time to get the Jack Bower is God!!! cult back up and running.
Posts: 8670
Karma: 2,190
"Just spent Saturday 1 AM - Sunday 10 PM (on DVD the episodes are obviously shorter without the commercials) doing a season 3 marathon." i did that exact same thing (start/stop times different) like 2 weeks ago with some friends! i cant wait for it to start, he is totally pwn some n00bs
Posts: 205
Karma: 24
4 hours 2 nights! cant wait
Posts: 15084
Karma: 732
ima 24 OG been watching since day 1 season 1
I missed last season tho cause i was at boarding school so this weekend Im gona get so blazed and watch all 18 hours straight
Posts: 205
Karma: 24
sick, i picked it up during season 3.. but watched season 1 and 2 in a week, best show on t.v
Posts: 747
Karma: 9
Posts: 419
Karma: 10
Posts: 8558
Karma: 513
Posts: 1273
Karma: 12
knife in knee knife in knee knife in knee knife in knee knife in knee
Posts: 5065
Karma: 84
good episodes. jack bauer is my hero
Posts: 14693
Karma: 786
idint't place the 24 drinking hame, i just plauyed beruit instead to celebrate the patriots win, hjeaaaa pats, i wen tfucking 7 and fucking -0, jeaa bouiii
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
unless like the series turns into a totally different direction.....im not watching it. Its the same old damn crap over and over again. Im watching heros, or getting pumped for when lost is back on.
Posts: 1581
Karma: 10
i watched most of season 1 and 2, then i realized its pretty weak acting and worse writing....i cant handle watching keifer attempt acting anymore, it pains me.
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
My prep for today was watching 2 seasons in 2 days. And boy was it worth it. Can't wait for tomorrow!
Posts: 21102
Karma: 8,570
keifer is a damn good actor, it's just a cheesy script. which is why it's even more kickass.
Posts: 9108
Karma: 16
I never watch it on TV cause I can't be sure I can watch every episode and I don't have Tivo/DVR. I can get them on netflix though.
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
You have to appreciate 24 for what it is. You can't go around critiquing the acting and the writing, it's not Boston Legal (by the way, Boston Legal is the best show on television). That would be like criticizing the Rocky Horror Picture Show for being cheesy, when in actuality, it's a classic because it's so campy. There's a whole school of aesthetic philosophy on this, I could dig up the terminology but none of you actually care.
Posts: 4434
Karma: 107
Shaping up to be another intense season! The premiere did not disappoint!
Posts: 747
Karma: 9
no way in hell boston legal is the best show on tv. have you seen the shield? or the sopranos? 24 and lost are epic too
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
Lost is terrible. I have seen the shield, it's alright, but no one acts like Spader. Except Hugh Laurie, House being the 2nd best show on TV. And the Sopranos doesn't count (boston legal is still a better show), nor do any non-cable shows, or I'd have to count things like Deadwood, and they have creative license that goes beyond network tv because they don't have censors to appease. The top 5 shows on TV looks something like this right now.
1. Boston Legal
2. House
3. 24
4. The Daily Show
5. Battlestar Galactica (don't fuck with this one, I know it's sci fi, But Edward James Olmos is incredible and the atmosphere is something not seen since Babylon 5.)
Posts: 4737
Karma: 1,096
Posts: 14949
Karma: 9,239
anyone else happen to grab to leaked first 4 episodes? oh boy oh boy...those of you who didn't are in for a fucking treat tonight. Bring some TP you might just poo yourself.
Posts: 668
Karma: 12
its gunna be harder getting through today
Posts: 2904
Karma: 12
i cant wait!
the ice storm better not make us lose power...
Posts: 419
Karma: 6
Damn I'm gonna miss Curtis.
We cheered last night when he came on, I mean that guy must dodge bullets or something.
I hear Jack's going to shoot him tonight, instead of the kid.
stupid terrorists, don't they know Jack will always get them in the end.
Posts: 1746
Karma: 15
I know she can put her whole fist in somewhere else ;)
Posts: 547
Karma: 10
Posts: 3534
Karma: 25
hahahah he bit the guys fucking neck and KUMAR is a bad guy?! THIS IS SO AWESOME I CANT WAIT FOR TONITE
Posts: 1581
Karma: 10
i whole heartedly agree that boston legal is the best show, but i also can and will critique the acting and writing for 24, it just isnt good. i may have exaggerated a little bit on keifer, he was decent in 3 musketeers, but in 24 it just seems forced and for the most part stupid, very likely due to the bad writing. im not bashing it for no reason, i have watched it many times, and i cant stand it anymore. also, i would not compare this to rocky horror, which i think was made with a completely different purpose than 24, as 24 is supposed to be taken seriously (which i have trouble doing).
Posts: 835
Karma: 8
Are you saying the story is not believable? Because if you are, I totally agree with you. But 24 is not supposed to be believable. It's just supposed to be a great T.V. drama with many twists and turns, which it is.
Posts: 6440
Karma: 41
Posts: 747
Karma: 9
the shield is better then "alright".
my top 5
1. 24
2. the shield
3. lost
4. the office
5. the sopranoes
Posts: 4459
Karma: 2,048
well, since we are all doing this:
1- 24
2-Nip tuck
3- Rescue Me
4-Dirt (so far)
5- family guy and prison break are tied
All times are Eastern (-4); Currently it's 10:17AM