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College people..ive got a question
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
ok, so im flying back to college on wednesday, and probably not coming back till may 10th...
That being said, i really dont want to go back that much. I'm not the only one am i?
Posts: 9201
Karma: 135
college is great. no parents and lots of skiing.
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
myeah...but home is nice too.
Posts: 8871
Karma: 1,509
Fucking can't wait to go back to school. I'm loving home, but I just have to be on my own again or I'll lose it.
Posts: 6105
Karma: 248
i just got back to school and i must say, its awesome. its tough going back to a small room but its fun here and i barely spend any time in there. and since im a freshman, im excited to take my new classes and meet some new peeps
Posts: 1611
Karma: 10
No matter where you go you will miss the other place.
Posts: 2289
Karma: 15
You're not the only one. It took me nearly three years to miss home and yearn to go back, but now that I have, I end up missing it more often. I can only stay back there for so long, too. You'll love college. :)
Posts: 2234
Karma: 19
i dont wanna go back either man, home is awesome
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
i mean yeah, there are definately the moments where im just like, fuck, get my outta here and back to boulder...but still, im home with my mom, occasionally my brother when his whore of a girlfriend isnt making it so he comes home from cali almost never, and seldom my sister and her husband..
bleh...getting old sucks.
Posts: 8871
Karma: 1,509
SLAP! You're 18 negro! Don't dwell on such petty issues. Just have fun man! When you get back in CO I'll get you hammered with my two buddies.
Posts: 1781
Karma: 17
I'm from Mammoth and I go to school in southern California...enough said. I mean, I love the freedom and whatnot of college, and of course the education, but I don't think that college is a necessity for a healthy, intelligent mind. Also, I miss the mountains like crazy...it's kind of difficult sometimes.
Posts: 669
Karma: 27
my roomate is a dousche bag...so i am not looking forward to that..but i do have some pretty kick ass times in college..so fuck it.!!
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
damn, you too? see - thats another thing...im home, and there is no little bitch sitting close to me acting like a bitch.
Posts: 8334
Karma: 160
i hate school hahaha.
i had a lot more fun in high school. i mean i've had good times in university but its almost over (just a few months left and im done univ for good!) and i feel like all it's done is kept me from doing the things i love to do and kept me from furthering my career as a writer..whereas the reality of the situation is, it's best to have the degree. some of the greatest writers have degrees. being educated in many fields is key...it enchances writing skills...and enhances the width of your mind..therefore you can write about more things. still though, i cant help but feel time has been stolen from me. but now that im finishing up im excited to start doing things i love.
Posts: 1611
Karma: 10
Your lucky, my buddy came home and his roommate was naked watching brokeback mountain in his bed.
Then later he tried to get the door open when he was showering.
My buddy moved out due to molestation.
Think about that when you see your roommate.
Posts: 669
Karma: 27
wow now that would suck ass...
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
Posts: 534
Karma: 10
yah, you finally get paid to do something as opposed to paying to go somewhere you may or may not like.
I hated university (except for drinking at 11 AM before going to class) so I went to a technical college. Graduated with a telecom engineering degree. That shit was cool... learning to tap phone lines, intercept satellite signals, eavesdrop on wireless communications, make FM transmitters that can overpower people's car radios...
Posts: 12811
Karma: 1,971
well im sick of both, i want to go find a cave and live in the mountains and be self sufficient, and ski everyday for the rest of winter. but im not going to, at least not this year.
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
well, that;s cause you go to CSU...
hehe, jk...i couldnt help it.
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
It gets better, move out of the dorms now that you know what hell is like and get a place with some friends. Everything gets better once that happens, trust me.
Posts: 260
Karma: 10
I know how you feel man...Im starting as a transfer at Montana State and Im leaving Sunday....Oh and I forgot to mention Im from Boston...its going to be a culture shock.
Posts: 4625
Karma: 56
yeah kinda torn home is great to be at and see everyone but parents bitch too much and time to go back
Posts: 668
Karma: 12
i just like not having to do anything at home
Posts: 3867
Karma: 20
I am going for my doctorate haha so no your not the only one.
Posts: 1774
Karma: 2
ehhh. i have 2 more weeks off. im not too sure about my feelings on this. i mean its great not having to worry abut your parents or anything at college, but i could get used to my own bed and homecooked meals .. :)
Posts: 5842
Karma: 35
No man I missed college. I really like my two roomates and parties all the time are sick. Home was kind of boring. Seeing all my hs friends was nice, but you still had to get rides places, and my ex girlfriend wasn't all that fun to see. College is sick
Posts: 3480
Karma: 6
to me its like, i dont want to go home when im at school, but when im home i dont want to go back to school
Posts: 2960
Karma: 15
yea roommates fuckin blow, just wait to get a house or apartment then it kicks ass
Posts: 1529
Karma: 28
just reading this makes me scared as hell. my rents make me go to a private hs and i like it but its rediculous how they talk about college. they act like if you dont have 4.0 you cant go anywhere and i most def dont have a 4.0, anyways, i think its gona blow leaving all my friends behind to go to college but im sure once i get there ill be fine. good luck
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
just write a kick ass essay and get a 1900+ or so on your SAT and you should be alright bro...
just remember, with admissions, you can be in one day, and then next they wouldnt even think of admitting you...admissions are arbitrary, and you just have to hope to catch them on a good day..
im starting to feel better about it...but i feel sorry for my mom who's gonna be alone for 5 months now.. =(
Posts: 8384
Karma: 38
I can't wait to go back to Boulder. Why is our break so much later than everyone elses? All my friends are back in school, and i don't go back till Sunday. I'm going crazy here. Fuck ohio. Viva la colorado.
Posts: 3339
Karma: 21
they're super nice people. probably way different from what you're used to. it will be a culture shock, but after you get used to it, you'll love it. i have a TON of friends who go to MSU and i love them all dearly. montana is a super chill place where you're able to really get in touch with yourself. (at least that has been my experience growing up there)
Posts: 2289
Karma: 15
I'm on a quarter system which is why I go back earlier.
Posts: 260
Karma: 10
Thanks for the info...every little bit helps!
Posts: 5670
Karma: 1,718
i know that feeling man, i was home over the holidays for a few days and it just felt dead to me. i couldnt find people to hang out with because they have all moved on to other things. its gonna be weird going back and spending the summer there for sure. plus college kids are wayyyy cooler than high school kids. college kids dont give a shit about status.
Posts: 2839
Karma: 149
i wouldnt worry about it i have like a 90 average and did terrible on sat and act's and have gotten in everywhere i have applied to(architecture and meterology)
I cant wait for next year, i think its gunna be a lot of fun but its gunna be kinda wierd not being at school where you know everyone, im from a hs with about 500 kids in all 4 grades
Posts: 5670
Karma: 1,718
haha, i had a 2.2. and got into where i wanted to no problem. i wouldnt be worried man.
and i bet steff was a cool popular kid in high school. thats why she doesent like college. her status did her no good. thats my favorite part about it though!
Posts: 1463
Karma: 91
I cant wait to go to college next year.
Posts: 470
Karma: 10
im back at university now and when i was home i couldnt wait to go back. I have fun back home, dont get me wrong, but I have so much more fun at university.
Posts: 971
Karma: 42
at this point I could go either way.
I'm missing a Mistah FAB concert by one night so I would like to stay an extra day. And I like my sister, sucks she goes to school in Atlanta. But I love Missoula and I'm excited to get this semester started. Plus when I get back I start PT for my knee, so thats good. And I miss my three roommates! But I was out for surgery for a week or so so I haven't gotten to see my friends too much, so I could stay and go to Poly for a weekend or soemthing.
Posts: 3096
Karma: 44
College sucked for me at first. Then I moved out of my triple dorm and in with my friend, and its kicked ass ever since. Imagine living in a dorm barely big enough for 2 people, but with three, and the other two guys took all the closet and drawer space for themselves.
Posts: 4698
Karma: 53
i go to school where I lived before (Vancouver), which is nice because I love the town and its proximity to the mountains, but on the other hand I am sure it takes a lot out of the university experience to live at home. Also, the fact that I don't know what I want to do makes me feel lost and that I don't quite belong in University yet, so I'd recommend a year off after high school if you need it, I should have taken the chance, because now I find myself learning things that only mildly interest me, and I force myself to think shitloads about my carreer (not that much fun).
Posts: 419
Karma: 10
wats better for like freedom and parties ? college or universities and wat do u guys think is better overall?
Posts: 582
Karma: 10
i could definatley see you as a writer haha
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