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Posts: 268
Karma: 51
Skimatic owned. Plain and simple. Charles Gagnier's part was mint, Josh Bibby's butters wear fucking dopest shit ive ever seen, Jf Houle is the chillest guy alive (I know ive met him). What more would you want?
Posts: 268
Karma: 51
Yeah its got some mad shit all around
Posts: 2210
Karma: 12
if you could combine anomaly with skimatic, that'd be pretty dank
Posts: 411
Karma: 13
bibby's and gagnier's parts were just so fresh and original...a nice break from the same stuff everybody else does
Posts: 4391
Karma: 67
bibby's got a bunch of clips from alpine.
yee yee yeeeeeeeee
Posts: 3469
Karma: 11
corduroy, skimatic and push my fav's
Posts: 411
Karma: 13
Posts: 551
Karma: 27
yee yeeeee skimatic is dope except the intro
Posts: 3
Karma: 10
Check out the B footage, theres some more sick stuff, one eighty screamin semen thats some crazy shit.
Posts: 272
Karma: 28
i agree wit all of u skimatic owns ALL! charles gangier kills it
Posts: 2391
Karma: 28
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Karma: 1,020
frank raymond urban was aamzing too.
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Posts: 1183
Karma: 21
Skimatic is good, but their b footage was better
Posts: 272
Karma: 28
^^^ya laurent favre has a sick follow cam in the b footage
Posts: 73
Karma: 10
skimatic was one fo the best movies this year but i was so short 36 minets, there wasn't enuff skiers in it to make a long movie
but the skiing was sweet.
Posts: 11976
Karma: 296
JD KILLS it in the b footy. KILLS it.
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Posts: 760
Karma: 16
skimatic was good, but definitely not the best. favre's part was sick, as was bibbys.
Posts: 411
Karma: 13
as was gagniers as was the b footy as was everything else in that video...
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Posts: 2101
Karma: 10
soo much fucking urban!!!
there were like 30 different rails in that movie, and barely any shots of the same rail twice!
i loved it
Posts: 1754
Karma: 110
yeah one of the best movie this year for sure. pretty short though...
Posts: 411
Karma: 13
yeah id say if it was ten years longer it wouldve blown lss out of the water
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
it had some sick skiing, but as far as the cinematrography goes, I've seen better.
best movie of the year though, right with [Photo]Play.
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
hmm thats weird, i know it wasnt the best, but since skimatic i actually have found i like Plehouse's shots more than most other companies films....i think whiteshine was much better, but i loved the shots in bibby's and belanger's segments....just me though
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
well now that TBC is gone, then yes, I think they are among the best filmers, right with Matchstick. too bad MSP ruins their good footage with bad editing.
Posts: 921
Karma: 100
i dont think msp has bad editing at all, just because it isnt standard change-scene-with-every-drum-beat ski movie editing doesnt mean it sucks, they just have a different way of putting their films together and i think it works well
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
yeah I just really cant stand it though. Theres no creativity. and when they try something creative, its cliche. There is no single style to the movie, it switches around too much. first theres rap, then grunge music, then rap again, with the volume of the music fading in and out when theres narration.
they have suuuch good footage though. Sure they're not bad movies really, but it just seems like the ratio of the quality of footage to the quality of editing is super unbalanced.
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
this is your opinion, and i could argue against everything you said, but its worthless because its mearly an opinion, of two different people. If you dont like MSP's films, then dont watch them, you've established in multiple threads how much you dislike them, so instead of having to waste your time and everyone elses by arguing, just dont watch the movies.
Posts: 3597
Karma: 114
naw i agree with tankaskier, although the skiing was sick, i didn't really like the editing very much. one of the main reasons for this is because the movie didn't seem to flow well, which is something i like to see in a ski movie.
Posts: 383
Karma: 11
yeah skimatic was really good.
Posts: 2944
Karma: 1,305
The vid was sick but i wanna see more phil casabon because the shots of him that were in that movie were great
Posts: 443
Karma: 18
good movie but it was pretty short but the skiing in it was amazing. Bibby...oh man my hero with those butter spins, PERFECT
Posts: 4595
Karma: 506
Posts: 693
Karma: 10
I KNOW WHAT YOUR SAYING. I don't think it was too short. For one, there was a lot of bonus footy. Also, half the time I watch a ski movie it's right before I'm about to go skiing so you need something short, highlightish, and able to pump you up.
Posts: 29
Karma: 309
i think that the only good bits in it were laurents, charles' and josh bibby's sections
Posts: 1493
Karma: 50
skimatic was cool but i think whiteshine was so much more
Posts: 1914
Karma: 16
Can't say I have seen all of SKimatic, but I will say Plehouse always has sick B footy. You guys have seen Redtape I hope...?
Posts: 1152
Karma: 13
Posts: 1833
Karma: 64
Gotta agree that skimatic+anomaly=EPIC
Posts: 1734
Karma: 40
people complain about plehouse movies being too short but i disagree. when i watch most ski movies (coughCorduroycoughLSS) i'm bored by the end, sitting there thinking "is it over yet?" at the end of a plehouse movie, i'm like, "crap! it's over?" and then i go skiing. or watch the b-footage, which is always better than the a-footage in any other company's movie. plus it like doubles the length of the movie.
and plehouse's shots are better than anyone out there i think. yeah, they don't have helis like msp but i'll take a little creativity over 30 minutes of helicopter follow cams any day. and lp's editing is perfect - not flashy or overdone, just simple, clean, and flowing.
Posts: 2114
Karma: 568
i like whiteshine more except for bibbys part in skimatic owned everones
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