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whats the best trick you can do on the ground
Posts: 1758
Karma: 9
Just standing there on hard ground with your sneakers on, whats the best trick you can throw? i can get up to 720, its fun as hell
''...ride away clean and smiling, and taunt the rail by waving around your middle finger at it. (Note: if you have mittens on then it's important to take them off before preforming this procedure.'' -Boyd Easley (on rail sliding)
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Posts: 337
Karma: 10
540..maybe a little more, after that i start going sideways and fall
'isnt it hard to ski backwards? dont you hit stuff?'
Till nextweek Boomshot sayin stick around and be no clown just keep on rockin'to the A-l sound as I would tell ye.
Posts: 1828
Karma: 19
corked 5
'moseley kicks ass, you guys are just jealous of his money and all the hot chicks he gets and his hair...beautiful hair, so soft, oohhhh'-alpentalik
skiing with sunglasses is extrememly gay! but skiing with sun glasses on and goggles on your head is straight.'- Alpentalik
I swear to follow the teachings of JMMT
'say everyone under 16 cannot particapate in the forum conversation
and they can have their own forum called peewees daycare.
where they can talk about nintendos and shitting the bed' -seward
Posts: 4032
Karma: 469
i made this thread about 2 years ago. some guy said he could do a 1080 standing still, i didnt believe him
'Pure, like a cup of virgin blood mixed with 151, one sip will make a nigga flip' nas
Posts: 7364
Karma: 110
if anyone remembers casper, he could tear it up...backflip, cork 5 and flat three safety.
''I didn't wanna fuck that kid in the ass 'cuz I'm a fag, I just wanted to let him know that he's a bitch!'' -LOKA$H
Posts: 337
Karma: 10
yea, hes a lying bastard, i say we find him and burn down his house
'isnt it hard to ski backwards? dont you hit stuff?'
Till nextweek Boomshot sayin stick around and be no clown just keep on rockin'to the A-l sound as I would tell ye.
Posts: 1758
Karma: 9
i would believe it, off a sair or something i bet its possible
''...ride away clean and smiling, and taunt the rail by waving around your middle finger at it. (Note: if you have mittens on then it's important to take them off before preforming this procedure.'' -Boyd Easley (on rail sliding)
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Posts: 1758
Karma: 9
the 1080 that is
''...ride away clean and smiling, and taunt the rail by waving around your middle finger at it. (Note: if you have mittens on then it's important to take them off before preforming this procedure.'' -Boyd Easley (on rail sliding)
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Posts: 4877
Karma: 141
i can to like carve 3 and 5 flatspin saftey things
erik olson
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
how do you carve standing
Creator of the NS Cousin Exchange Program
me think u need realize that we dun give a fuck..' cams
Stealth Ninja of the Silent Army
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
switchrodeo, youre talking about freestyle walking right? for me, i can grind, and like 5 is my limit for spinning. i wanna improve tho, progress the sport
proud owner of 'team ramrod', the best NS hockey pool team ever.
Posts: 1539
Karma: 90
if i can stand on somthin like a foot off the ground i can do fronts and backs
'one twelv rails' comming soon to a backyard near you
Posts: 136
Karma: 13
Bio 5 safetys, and bio 5 stales... i can do 7's and im WORKING on backs, there crazy
Posts: 283
Karma: 12
ya'll bitches wont believe me, so FUK YA...but on a slope hill i used to do dspins, to feet, then fall onto hands
Posts: 3476
Karma: 58
off axis 3, 5, 5 safety, 3 toxic, 180 fishbone nosepick
'go throw yourself off of a bridge onto traintracks so you have die twice.'
Posts: 1228
Karma: 332
i can spin 9s off the ground
President of the OTC!
Everybody, Lateralis drinks alcohol and smokes marijuana cigarettes. You're burned now, Lateralis! - halo
'ive been shavin since i was in 5th grade, yea the girls made fun of me then, but now they grovel at my feet just to pet me' - Alex aka Ds91260
Posts: 4960
Karma: 196
3 mute..i'm to big or cumbersome to do it w/ a higher rotation
wow i heard that movie sucks but its really good...i'm bored...lets rent a movie. ---skogenchick and @ hollywood video
Greg you really need to masturbate more... ---KD
HAVE SOME CHEESE CAKE!!! ---Drunk 54 year old lady (KD's mom)
Posts: 3971
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double back
'Make love to a Beer - you can't get it pregnant ! '
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Posts: 9947
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Posts: 1816
Karma: 15
You should belive everything you read on the internet, it's all true.
Posts: 4032
Karma: 469
'Pure, like a cup of virgin blood mixed with 151, one sip will make a nigga flip' nas
Posts: 338
Karma: 11
whats the meaning of standing on the ground and hucking around?? it haves nothing to do with skiing though
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
i used to beable to do backflips but now a flat 3 and a 900
i like to burn things
'i can do a summersault'-ralph wiggins
Posts: 5961
Karma: 19
i can do 5s. i also like 2 jump off of parking garages but no1 cares so i will shut up
www.smellypoop.com check it out dogs. it is pimpin
Posts: 1446
Karma: 11
a very very sketchy 5.
Duffman: That's a mug you don't want to chug! Ohhhh nooooo! (pelvic thrust while dancing)
Posts: 2140
Karma: 37
regular,unnatural, switch, and switch unnatural 360's and 180's and then i can do regular 5's like 1 out of 3 times sometimes overrotate to 7 but thats rare, and when u jump off stuff its so much better.
whos in da house, SACA is in the house!!! hahahahmuhahahah
Posts: 5961
Karma: 19
^^how is it switch if you are standing still??
www.smellypoop.com check it out dogs. it is pimpin
Posts: 4243
Karma: 138
i can do up to 720, i'm working on flatspins but i fall hard a lot, and i like walking backwards then doing 540's, it's fun
2 Inchers Club
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons, and make a race of super-lemons - Principal Scudworth
Posts: 1634
Karma: 29
What happend to casper?? did he just stop posting?
Posts: 5333
Karma: 168
handplants babyyyyyyyyyyy
pirates. they just don't fuck around.
SMS session 4
Posts: 2140
Karma: 37
hey its switch if you are standing still, its pretty easy to understand, just think about how u do a three sixty normally.... then think about if you did that spin backwords.... that would be switch, and then if you spin the oppostite way it would be unnatural... etc.
whos in da house, SACA is in the house!!! hahahahmuhahahah
Posts: 4454
Karma: 12
540... i hope to be able to do 720 this summer
hoked on foniks wurked fur me.kant u tel?
jigga say wha??
Posts: 1632
Karma: 16
frontflips safety, 720, and handplants are fun
These things make me mad. COC session C.
Posts: 5773
Karma: 3,930
3s and 5s with little touch grabs
Mplayer09: there is a thread about u on ns.com
freeskier9001260: there always is
Five-9 Productions
'You can't go steezy in tha treezy'
-Brian Class on Skiing in the Glades
When there is no grass on the field, play in the mud
-Pep Fujas
Posts: 4705
Karma: 496
I can almost misty, back, front, really fast 900, I can 10 but I go off axis at about 7. Umm 3 with a lot of grabs (if you can call them grabs) and a lot of other small stuff.
Posts: 18901
Karma: 75
FARP Trailer
'Simply put: Greatest Trailer Ever'- Resnick13
Posts: 1758
Karma: 9
actually spinning on the ground unnatural helps alot for skiing cause you get used to spinning the other way
''...ride away clean and smiling, and taunt the rail by waving around your middle finger at it. (Note: if you have mittens on then it's important to take them off before preforming this procedure.'' -Boyd Easley (on rail sliding)
This signature has been brought to you by the letter Y and the number 8
Posts: 656
Karma: 10
i can do a 90 very easily
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
cruz i want some videos
Creator of the NS Cousin Exchange Program
me think u need realize that we dun give a fuck..' cams
Stealth Ninja of the Silent Army
Posts: 11466
Karma: 36
cork worm turn
(your ad here)
Posts: 4877
Karma: 141
yeah for the carve you cant be standing still, you have to take a few quick steps into the carve
erik olson
Posts: 4454
Karma: 12
ya bizotches lets see some vids( i wanna see cruz do a 1080... sick)
hoked on foniks wurked fur me.kant u tel?
jigga say wha??
Posts: 4382
Karma: 12
3's, 5, 7, and almost a 9 i just can't get the last part of the rotation. i can get sightly off axis but always end of eating shit if i do i'm going to work on that shit this summer, i ahve thrown one corked 3 kinda thing but it was slopy as hell.
Posts: 2674
Karma: 122
i have enuf trouble walking as it is
'Can we discuss this further in the privacy of my hot tub?' Mitts to some chick who shot him down outside garfs...
Posts: 4705
Karma: 496
I tend to go way off axis when I spin fast off the ground. Like when I going for a 10, I get it, nut land almost on my back. I can get sketchy 7's and really sketcy 9's, but I need a lot of red bull. And the mistys are more like baranis cuz you have to throw them way inverted to get it around. Back and fronts are really easy, just pop hard and youll have it. To practice doing stuff off the ground without getting hurt, Do stuff on the tramp, but just stand still and throw it right off the mat. It pops you a little more than the ground, but its good practice.
Posts: 4048
Karma: 12
I don't think this was supposed to be a freestyle walking thread... hence the reference to standing in one spot 'WITH YOUR SKIS ON'... that having been said... i can 3... i can saftey, tail mute, screamin semen... etc
But Freestyle Walking is so much more funner, the funitude of freestyle walking is gooder than the funitude of many other sports involving walking. I can 540 stylie and do sketch 7s.
My Skis go both ways... Like a Bisexual
Posts: 2140
Karma: 37
not to be an ass but it was suppose to be... 'Just standing there on hard ground with your sneakers on, whats the best trick you can throw? i can get up to 720, its fun as hell' thats what the thread originator posted
whos in da house, SACA is in the house!!! hahahahmuhahahah
Posts: 4454
Karma: 12
ya whistlermann u wrong...
hoked on foniks wurked fur me.kant u tel?
jigga say wha??
Posts: 123
Karma: 10
Posts: 444
Karma: 10
If I jump off of stairs I can do cork 3's and 5's but I used to be able to do bio's and front flips until I screwed up my back
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